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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54228554 [View]
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Not sure you have the attention span to read all of it, but if you do you'll at least learn what happened in detail.
Even the way they handle the outage is eons ahead of your other favourite L1s.
Show me a Solana outage report to compare the level of professionalism. Oh, and no one uses Ethereum for anything else than shitcoins and nfts, so it doesn't even matter.

Cope seethe and dilate, you'll fomo in the bags and rage day and night that you've missed the real endgame of crypto, to invest in the tool of our enslavement.

>> No.53855162 [View]
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>Explain to me how this isn’t the worst company/investment again?
Don't buy then. We truly don't care. People buying Hbar after DYOR know what they are holding. As I've always said : Hbar might not be the fastest way to make it in crypto, but there is no surest bet for long term adoption.
Do you know which coin will moon next ? I don't. I just know in 10 years, YOU will use Hedera in one way or another.

>It took years to get 1 use case online, and they already raised 100m in their ICO.
That 1 use case generate more transactions than the three biggest next projects combined. As you said, it's only 1. I'm baking of more.

>What makes you think a startup that has burned hundreds of millions to generate a couple grand a day will be around?
A startup that has all the moats possible. Funders are literal geniuses, with provable track record of said genius.
With links to US Army, the ones who invented the Internet we are talking through right now.
With the use of an algorithm that was thought to be impossible, 5 if not 10 years ahead of the competition.
With the best governance of a decentralized project we've ever seen.
With a used-pegged model, making it one of the only crypto asset to cost the same to use regardless of the price. And if you don't understand why it's a good thing, think as a large business.

Yes they burn a lot of money. Yes the dumping sucks. But the risk is worth it. A big enough stack could grant you generational wealth, in levels you can't fathom right now.
But if you think "companies will just use the IP" or "why focus on 100 year company", it just shows how little you understand about the societal changes coming because of DLTs.
Your identity will be on chain.
Your belongings will be on chain.
Your money will be on chain.
Everything of value that you own will be on chain.

Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (IT IS), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

>> No.53404469 [View]
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I normally don't post on stuff like these, but for the few lurkers that care here it is :

If you want to build a secure network that is still here in 100 years, you start with a solid foundation.

That's it really.

Hedera has to make sure that the network, which is fragile at the moment compared to the monster it will become, doesn't fall into "bad hands". Like, most networks that claim to be decentralized which truly aren't.
Like Bitcoin :
or Ethereum : >https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/09/15/eth-may-already-be-showcasing-increased-signs-of-centralization/

Hedera aims to be as decentralized as humanly possible.
The network needs to grow on the shoulder of the most respectable companies right now, that would be held accountable if anything shady were to happen to the network.
That's the same reason for the slow unlocking of tokens. But no, goys would prefer individuals like Master Bankman running the show!

Then, once this foundation is secure (will be this year), and Hedera is proclaimed as the de facto enterprise network, you can open it up a bit with community nodes. Then once this foundation is secure also (I'm guessing 2 years like these), we could open the nodes for everyone.

What is truly the level decentralization to build the trust layer of the internet ?
I don't want my social credit "good goy" number to be held by a group of chinese miners.
I don't want my coupons for "real meat" rations to be decided by AWS and their friends.
But most of y'all dont see that far, this is why you'll pass on Hbar and seethe in a few years when you Digital Fed Wallet gets confiscated (again).

Leemon is building the tool for ultimate tokenization of our world, ultimate control of our digital life, and ultimate seethe for nocoiners.
Not selling one single Hbar before staking is live (DONE), sharding is live and stocks are tokenized.

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