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>> No.8126221 [View]
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you are retarded and have obviously never been to these places.

Japan is expensive as fuck and prostitution is not very open or accessible to filthy gaijin. almost no japs know english. Jap women have loose pussies and autistic personalities, I would not exactly call them a dead fish in bed, but more like a dying dolphin. Not sexy at all.

Korea is cheaper than Japan, and the women generally have a better attitude, but you could actually get locked up for fucking a hooker there. also, prostitutes will rarely fuck foreigners and you will most likely be turned away . Expensive as fuck too. Korea is not a 3rd world country.

China... ahahahhahaahaha, don't even think about it there. If you don't speak mandarin, forget about it, if you do speak mandarin, forget about it. Legally you can in very serious trouble. Even if you don't get caught, chinese lie and scam constantly and will find some way to fuck you over. expect a knock on the door from some very scary guys who will take you for everything

If you go to Bangkok's redlight districts, its FULL of japs, koreans and chinese looking to fuck thai girls. That is because the sex industry in those "1st tier" countries is expensive, highly illegal and sucks ass. When you are not native its 100x worse as well, so don't even think about it.

Thailand sex for sale is right out in the open and prices are cheap as fuck. 2000 baht for long time, so $60 USD. You get a reasonably attractive woman for an entire night until the morning. Thai girls are bubbly, out going and actually enjoy sex. No dying dolphin noises, no autism, no chink scams, and no kimchi smell.

>> No.8073105 [View]
File: 957 KB, 900x675, 1517231944508 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, I had no idea how cucked the rest of the world outside america is. You fags literally equaute defending yourself as "not cooperating" with others. wtf, how are you fags even still alive?

I guess next time some shitskin tries to fuck your wife you'll cooperate.

good little cuck

>> No.7355055 [View]
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