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>> No.51525259 [View]
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thoughts on one of those (semi) rural "summer houses", such as 70 sqm with a half acre of land for ~ 50k USD? Seems like a fair deal in a great landscape. Property taxes would also be minimal.

>> No.51265423 [View]
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I don't see a chicken as a food bird, but as my friend.

>> No.51134400 [View]
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Friends of the world, cooler heads need to prevail if we don't want to continue the endless (and ultimately needless) cycle of pain and suffering. We have all the technology, wisdom and ability to truly create a "pragmatopia" on this planet, weren't it for what historian and anthropologist Riane Eisler termed the "Dominator Model" of society, wherein the excessive worship of the "warrior" archetype and "might makes right" meme are enforced and seen as the way to interact with one another.

We have so much in common and any differences or animosities are mainly the cause of the crudeness of language (nevermind translating between different languages) as well as trauma incurred during our lives which we never resolved and continue to subconsciously or otherwise blame outwardly on "the other".

Indeed, we would do well to try as we can to make those near and dear to us aware of the needlessly dire situation we find ourselves in, created by a select group of psychopaths who as some might put it "made a pact with the devil" for mere power and material wealth.

Ultimately, we all have much more influence over this world through our actions than we care to admit and it is only through the ancient fear of the unknown and the luxury of apathy if we find ourselves in material comfort, that we do not exercise our abilities to bring about change. I suggest all to look within themselves and see the child they once were and how bright, mysterious and full of wonder the world truly is. Traumatized as we all might be, cynical apathy is not the answer and we all can say "we are not going to take this anymore" and together forge a world beautiful beyond our imagination. This is not merely a hypothesis, but a truth just beyond the horizon. Will shapes fate.

All the best and, as it were, Godspeed

>> No.50868285 [View]
File: 269 KB, 1440x1080, 1657169079515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any particular supplements you know that are in demand? I do have a hospitality background, so this may work. Cheers anons.

>> No.50340964 [View]
File: 269 KB, 1440x1080, 1657169079515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and redpill me on your thoughts about this?

>> No.50232667 [View]
File: 269 KB, 1440x1080, 1657169079515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends of the world, cooler heads need to prevail if we don't want to continue the endless (and ultimately needless) cycle of pain and suffering. We have all the technology, wisdom and ability to truly create a "pragmatopia" on this planet, weren't it for what historian and anthropologist Riane Eisler termed the "Dominator Model" of society, wherein the excessive worship of the "warrior" archetype and "might makes right" meme are enforced and seen as the way to interact with one another.

We have so much in common and any differences or animosities are mainly the cause of the crudeness of language (nevermind translating between different languages) as well as trauma incurred during our lives which we never resolved and continue to subconsciously or otherwise blame outwardly on "the other".

Indeed, we would do well to try as we can to make those near and dear to us aware of the needlessly dire situation we find ourselves in, created by a select group of psychopaths who as some might put it "made a pact with the devil" for mere power and material wealth.

Ultimately, we all have much more influence over this world through our actions than we care to admit and it is only through the ancient fear of the unknown and the luxury of apathy if we find ourselves in material comfort, that we do not exercise our abilities to bring about change. I suggest all to look within themselves and see the child they once were and how bright, mysterious and full of wonder the world truly is. Traumatized as we all might be, cynical apathy is not the answer and we all can say "we are not going to take this anymore" and together forge a world beautiful beyond our imagination. This is not merely a hypothesis, but a truth just beyond the horizon. Will shapes fate.

All the best and, as it were, Godspeed

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