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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55546464 [View]
File: 70 KB, 800x902, meth_pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents trying to get into real estate
>Buy a run down house with potential if it gets fixed up
>Find a contractor that a real estate agent friend says is good
>Go out and have talks with him, seems good, my mom says she thinks they should look at other contractors to be sure. Dad says "no, I have a good feeling about this guy!!"
>The day after he's hired the guy tells my mom he'll need 35 thousand dollars to get the project started
>Refuses to even wait a day or two to get the money, insists that he has to get it NOW
>Mom thinks that's kinda strange but agrees because my dad assures her he "seems like a trustworthy guy"
>He comes to the house to get it, seems kind of frantic, gets it, doesn't stay to talk about anything, leaves
>my mom looks up his criminal record, multiple counts of assault and battery, armed robbery, meth distribution
>Just decides to hope for the best
>Guy cuts nearly all contact and gets next to no work done over next month
>Parents keep telling him the first thing he needs to do is the roof so the house doesn't get anymore water damage and set up cameras they already bought and are paying monthly for
>He doesn't do it and just half works on petty shit
>Starts hounding my parents for more money and insists he's already done 30 thousand worth of work
>They tell me tonight, someone with experience with drug addicts and addiction to get my thoughts on it
>I tell them he's clearly a drug fiend blew the money on meth and took advantage of them
>We see on the news the neighborhood the house is in is flooding from heavy rain
>My parents just got scammed out of 30 thousand dollars by a drug fiend and the house they bought to fix up is most likely ruined

Well damn. Meth is bad kids and you should not be doing anything like that

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