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>> No.11572383 [View]
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absolutely nothing about what these people can possibly say changes the fact that emeramide does not have any detectable toxicity and has cured COPD, type 2 diabetes, huntington's disease, ALS, parkinson's, autism, and alzheimer's. at the time of publishing that article, they had seven whole years to research emeramide's safety and efficacy since they'd last made asses of themselves to anyone who'd actually done research on emeramide and found that it was both non-toxic and was not only supremely effective at alleviating mercury poisoning, but filled a role that no other chemical to this day comes close to filling—being, the need for a safe and effective mercury chelator.
make no mistake—these people and other leftist media outlets, because it CANNOT POSSIBLY BE NO MATTER THE EVIDENCE that mercury in vaccinations (or in dental amalgams) is dangerous, have it in mind to attack emeramide and anyone who has used it, in addition to boyd haley for trying to make it available to people. there's blatant, and frankly, jarring (if we are to assume that there is no preconceived notion to dump on anything that suggests, let alone straight-up tells you how dangerous the mercury in vaccines and amalgams is) malice against emeramide in every article they've ever written about it; "remember that FAKE supplement and INDUSTRIAL chelator, OSR#1 ?!?!?! well the SNAKE OIL SALESMAN who TARGETED the desperate parents of autistic CHILDREN is still trying to FORCE it ILLEGALLY onto the market in a SNEAKY AND UNTRUTHFUL way to AVOID testing to see if it's UNSAFE and INEFFECTIVE !!!!!! thank you for protecting THE CHILDREN from him, FDA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like holy fuck these people are so fucking weaselly it's unreal
they had every idiot pleb advocating its ban when they said that it was an "industrial chelator being sprinkled on childrens' cerial". what they don't tell you when they're pushing this fucking hype bullshit is that this chemical is roughly as toxic as water.

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