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>> No.11004106 [View]
File: 180 KB, 1420x652, natgas buy range.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actually net short on energy rn desu
and natgas is my next play for the winter seasonal run

but natgas hasnt gotten to my buy range yet (pic rel). bretty soon tho

i keep telling you senpai, this is nothing like feb
hell, the long end of the yield curve is likely gonna go DOWN. its the short end of the yield curve that will spike this time

but unless you see the 10yr spike all of a sudden above 3% out of nowhere, in a day, then you will not have feb again.

and to answer your question the best index was QQQ. but m CERTAIN this was just simply due to tech investors cultish tendency to just buy no matter whats happening

>> No.10975371 [View]
File: 180 KB, 1420x652, natgas buy range.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry senpai
commodities is a brutal fucking game.
for whatever reason i seem to be bretty good at petroleum products and byproducts. shits been doing exactly what ive told it to all year.

desu, i think oil will pullback through the winter due to seasonality. im actually looking at eventually catching the knife on natgas. its getting closer to the bottom of its range. UGAZ is a fun meme, and it generally has a seasonal run in the winter. buy range is pic related imo

>thats diltution coming.. when??
well theres two converts thatve been hammering us since mid june. one is supposedly all converted as per recent 8k, but the second one is due mid sept. i originally assumed this 13G was for the second one. and it sure FEELS like were getting diluted pretty hard. i just got spooked after looking at this livingston LLC and steve hicks faggots past.

>bought convertable notes before that have been turned down by just about every broker i went to because the person the note belonged to has been slapped by the SEC
i have a feeling this is why there are so many well known dilutive names on the lv2 rn. perhaps he passed it off to those guys to do it for him.
>I'll try to remember to look into it later tonight
i appreciate it senpai
figured id ask just cause this is your whole game. im a bit more green than id like to admit w OTC fuckery.

im more interested in the dow rn as its yet to actually MAKE an ATH yet. it also seems to be MUCH stronger than the others, and the russell looks like it needs a breather for now

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