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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.16563113 [View]
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That is the "Toppamus Kekkamus"

>> No.16008991 [View]
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It is the Total Negative Yielding Corporate Bonds that are Outstanding

>> No.15719461 [View]
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That is pretty homophobic bro, gay people conventionally use enemas before prolonged sessions of craigslist bareback sex.


>> No.15490014 [View]
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Did you guys know someone uploaded the entire Avengers Endgame to their Blockchain ?


>> No.15128535 [View]
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At it's core Chainlink has been designed from the ground up to bring real world data on chain in a secure enclave.
This boils down the SDKs provided to integrators the explorer and verification of the data and the Currently deployed nodes that are working to onboard enterprise clients (which there is a huge fucking list of)

IEXEC codebase has been designed from day 1 to run compute jobs and only store the worker information on chain for the payment processing.

The simple answer to your question is that IEXEC bolted on this Oracle functionality to their existing codebase as they are already working on secure enclaves so instead of just storing payment information on chain they store the actual resulted output from the compute job.

It is not all technical Anon, the core difference in the professional services and development that has been done in direct response to important customers needs for middleware like swift and google.

In summary you are a faggot.

>> No.15012397 [View]
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>> No.13447714 [View]
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These places fucking loves busses full of tourists. The bus puts them on a time limit and is guaranteed big profit with full clear of trays as you cannot "make more" in the 15 minutes their bus is there.

You approach some greyhound bus drivers and promise them kickbacks for dumping passengers there for breaks. You then show up to the buffet after the rush and ask if they would like ot make this a common occurrence for a fee (never approach without the proof of bus rush).
Once everything is established it is easy passive income with free buffet lunches for life.

>> No.13417981 [View]
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Unironically sell everything POW and go balls deep in Nano and other DPOS.

>> No.13371369 [View]
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No, it is ephemeral autism

>> No.12766209 [View]
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Commitment of team to project - started a second ICO for another project
Level and quality of development activity - missed deadlines
Network / smart contract stability - had to make a new smart contract
Level of public communication - much less communication the past few months
Responsiveness to our periodic due diligence requests - IDK
Evidence of unethical / fraudulent conduct - Missing ICO funds, CEO criminal record
Contribution to a healthy and sustainable crypto ecosystem - apparently not

>> No.12717570 [View]
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They tried another ICO and failed with deeptoken and indefinitely cancelled their mining program which is the backbone of the platform.

So you tell me Anon, is it worth picking up?

>> No.12542702 [View]
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>intended for banking transactions

Pick one, this coin completely lacks an identity. Mumble Wumble is cool but offers no advantages because it's security is POW based. The second you commit to POW your value derives from your hashrate.
This will not ever have a higher hash rate than Monero.

>> No.12503412 [View]
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Burger here, we live in a corporate oligarchy where gains are privatized and losses are socialized.
So they would pay people near nothing and lean on daddy government to provide handouts.
It is a lot like socialism even though the initial goal is to provide the ultimate free market.

>> No.12478652 [View]
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Depends on the coin, ETH tokens are the most common. You just generate a private key and the address associated with it , then send shit to it essentially. Some of them were coded by packs of mongs and unless you dig into the code and perform the hashes manually you have to sync a full node before it even allows you to generate an address.

Long story short though think of all coins as a near infinite wall of unlocked cabinets. You just pick one of those cabinets to hide your coins in, due to the laws of physics even the worlds super computing power does not have enough time to check all of them. But I know the unique ID of my cabinet and can access it anytime.

>> No.12456241 [View]
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>> No.12173338 [View]
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In theory they give you digital USD for your deposit of real USD, then like a bank they use that real USD to make the whole operation profitable while still being able to handle withdrawals but not a run on the bank.

In practice, they were given a license to print money with little to no oversight, in all likelyhood the current cash coverage on the issued Tether is probably around 10% or less.

>> No.12142384 [View]
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There are a mountain of reasons but the most important is the same reason it was worth so much in the first place.
BTC derives its value in a speculative market from being the trading pair. The highest volume currently adopted usage for BTC is speculating on shitcoins.
Not only is the speculation phase over, but Exchanges are rushing to implement Fiat style pairs and volume is slowly bleeding out.
The next bull will involve BTC, but not like it did before.
Pick some real winners that you think will have actual adoption once their development goals are met.
Whatever you do , do not buy now. We are nowhere near the bottom. The bottom will be when at least 90% of these scam exchanges wash trading close their doors.

>> No.12026253 [View]
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Maybe you can't, but this board is full of non larping insiders.

>> No.11979730 [View]
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Pattaya only, don't go anywhere else.
Stay off walking street it is all couples and chinese tourists now.
Soi LK metro is your home base get a hotel around there and do not skimp out, girls will move in if you got a nice bed and a hot shower.
Always pull your pussy out of BJ bars or regular bars never out of go go clubs. Go go girls go weeks wihout getting bar fined.
Don't be afraid of branching out from the 18-25 year olds, the older chicks get down in the bedroom and will not stop until your balls are drained.
Take Truvada a full week before you go their and while there do a cycle of azithromycin when you are not drinking (daytime) then you can bareback with zero consequences.

Other than that do not fucking wait, make it a point to grab a girl every night, if you delay you will regret it the whole rest of the year at your shitty wagecuck cubical.

>> No.11969853 [View]
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Asians are better at school, white people seem to time and time again always make the massive breakthroughs and change the world the most.
Fucking Slopes

>> No.11952960 [View]
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The private blockchains are for developing your app, everyone knows that, then you go live on the public main nets.

>> No.11943114 [View]
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It pumped, if you want to know why it pumped create a new thread with the appropriate subject matter. You are lucky the Jannies have not perma banned this level of incompetence.

>> No.11638084 [View]
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Please in your infinite wisdom, explain BTC's price without using the fact that it is like the petro dollar is to world markets as a peg for a universally agreed upon store of value.

>> No.11608658 [View]
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I keep my tokens on seperate wallets with no Gas in them so to sell I need to make the conscious choice send Eth to that wallet to get them out.
It has saved me from swinglinking many times and losing my ass, I would have dumped it all at 6500.

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