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>> No.29886337 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, dexrocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the scenes if they've been playing us all along and the hybrid blockchain technology is up and running for release, and they release DEXG swap on ethereum, BSC and fantom simultaneously. This will go absolutely apeshit.

>> No.28962116 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEXG, it will unironically rival Binance within a few years. Definitely will be on par with Uniswap within the year with Q1 release.

In the shortest terms, imagine a DEX with fees like a CEX and the tools of a CEX. Limit orders, stop losses, etc. Single-asset liquidity pools tied to separate eth pools mean no impermanent loss either. Multichain as well, so literally a DEX that is a CEX.

55,000 DEXG have been made. No more will ever be made, supply is capped. Fees from the DEXG exchange will be given to token holders, stake-in wallet.

Uniswap hovers between $1-2 billion volume a DAY. imagine 0.05% going to holders...

Uniswap has a MCAP of about $8 billion.
DEXG currently has a MCAP of ~$12 million.

You see the growth potential, considering sushiswap, a shitty food clone of uniswap is at $500 million MCAP.

Get in friend.

>> No.27691027 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEXG, read the whitepaper for the COMFIEST hold of your life.
>Doxxed team
>Professional team
>Tech has peer-reviewed research articles specifically done.
>Years of development
>Beta was a success
>Mainnet this month
Read the whitepaper, and Jollen will set you free.

>> No.26397338 [View]
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DEXG to dethrone Uniswap

>> No.25972401 [View]
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DEXG, uniswap killer unironically

>> No.25953921 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the whitepaper for DEXG anon. It eliminates slippage, while also introducing stop losses and limit orders. This is all on a DEX as well. Mainnet comes out in a few weeks. Very good chance it will dethrone Uniswap, taking its market-cap.

>> No.25934934 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DEXG surpasses Uniswap in 2021.
>The crypto space as a whole grows into the trillion range
>DEXG keeps getting updates from Our Savior, Jollen
>DEXG begins surpassing big CEXes
>You begin making millions every day from simply staking in wallet, ETH flows like mana from the heavens
Honestly, the fact that this has a pretty good chance of happening activates my almonds greatly. And I think the DEXG team will continue innovating on DEXG. I can't even imagine what a DEXG 2.0 , or 3.0 , would look like.

>> No.25904007 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEXG, you're welcome.
Mainnet comes out in ~3 weeks, where the market cap will explode. Supply is already capped, NO INFLATION AT ALL. Cutting edge automated market maker system eliminates slippage. Read the white paper and ape into DEXG.

>> No.25727222 [View]
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DEXG, skip straight to 9 figure hell

>> No.25353741 [View]
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I have bad news for you anon for January...

>> No.25299393 [View]
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Yeah, DEXG.

>> No.25261200 [View]
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>> No.25225968 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, No Survivors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished dishes, and my folio went up 20%.

I then ate an apple, and my folio went up 20% again.

This is called DISCOVERY.

>> No.25189482 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, dexrocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we’re all going to make it

>> No.24820086 [View]
File: 51 KB, 799x500, 39A478F2-3082-4A5B-95EC-8E34EBB2B809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have more than 100 anon you’re going to be filthy rich in 2021

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