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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.19578758 [View]
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Vitalik is actually smart and knew about the oracle problem way before Sergay even was into it. But he acknowledged that its an actual Computer Science Problem that is impossible to implement in the real world without lot of sacrifices and work arounds. And Vitalik had actual principles besides money and therefore didnt went the route to spend his next years in something that he knew is basically born dead on arrival.

Besides, Vitalik a lot of people also think like this about the Oracle Problem. And then Sergay the philosophy major came around and saw that there will be money to make on this and jumped on the ship and attribute himself to it.
All sergay did, is to build a KYCed, pseudo decentralized, permissioned webscraper aggregator that takes the median of API calls that he prays to sell to some legacy players that have tech illiterate boomers. He knows his solution is shit. This is the fact of chainlink today, but you got to give it to him he actually made chainlink an industry standard indeed with subtle meme magic and pretty genius marketing targeting autists. This was sufficient enough for him already. But again how much can you weigh this in? A ''industry'' constitueing of shitcoin PnD pajeets and chink 100X leverage casinos, being a industry standard there is nothing I would show off anywhere

>> No.17191839 [View]
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They turn a sharp corner and Sergey angrily slaps the back of the head of one of his employees. "God damn it Rory."

"What, what did I do" he stammers out.

"Nothing. Fuck you, that's what." Both Sergey and his Father burst into laughter as they turn another corner, "This is my office, just a black telephone and a oneahole to blow off steam and... of course" He opens up a closet and there in pristine condition are thirty different shirts, all of the same type.

"The classic Steve Jobs. Son, I am impressed. You've learned big business so well, I only wish your Grandfather was here to see you. He would be so proud how you've milked these internet losers for money."

"NEETs, Dad, they're called NEETs. And I couldn't have done it without your backing."

"Ah, I see your philosophy degree is hung up here."

"Yeah, they made fun of me for it, but I can't help but think it helps me out-think the Fudders. Every time they almost catch us and every time we cover it up."

"And your exit plan."

"Russia of course. They won't extradite."

"Well, you've raised so much damn money... is there a chance to actuallly of pulling it off?"

"Not a chance. There is zero need for a token, you know I thought about it for a while but most of these protocols could be funded just as progress goes along. I picked something intentionally easy to obsfucate but also very easy to develop, but just added a layer of decentralization to make it extra hard."

"Why? Why not just deliver oracles?"

"Because they're fucking useless Dad. Like tarot cards or any other indicator, you just need an API to connect. All we're doing is technically setting up a layer for people to create their own APIs to act as a node to deliver data."

"Ahh, yes data... yes certainly Data is a great scam, but it's old no?"

"Of course, "big data, data is the new oil, yada, yada", but just throw a token on there and the word decentralization and bam! You have big money."

>> No.16822535 [View]
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but it is cocksucker

I don't 'care for your financial well-being' either. When you see someone reply to you with that kind of copeposting damage control, know that you're right and they have nothing to say to you in response, you've stumped them and they're pissed so they're just going to try and make you look like are obsessed. LINK shills have spammed the board for over a year, daily, then wonder why they're disliked around here. They are the kike that cries persecution when you try to stop them corrupting your society. I'm just an investigative person by nature and I despise shitcoin scams shitting up crypto. You can't pretend that the 600 LINK shill threads a day telling you to buy and hold on no matter what are normal, but any skepticism on what you're parting with your NEETbux for is 'fud'. You know its not normal to be in a 'community' where people are constantly telling you to buy more of something and any notion of leaving or selling your own investment is seen as treachery, right? Those behaviors belong in cults and P&Ds, not actual investments. Besides who the fuck is actually dumb enough to invest in something with no scarcity in the first place? ERC tokens are not finite, and 'node operators' can be paid in ETH. Remember, American entities can't deal with The point of crypto was transparency and self governing. If this upsets you then go back to your echo chamber, you'll always be debated and ridiculed here. All I want is for all you linkies to return to Rebbit and Discord where Chainlink team members literally hang out in the first place.

>> No.16662723 [View]
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I don't 'care for your financial well-being' either. When you see someone reply to you with that kind of copeposting damage control, know that you're right and they have nothing to say to you in response, you've stumped them and they're pissed so they're just going to try and make you look like are obsessed. LINK shills have spammed the board for over a year, daily, then wonder why they're disliked around here. They are the kike that cries persecution when you try to stop them corrupting your society. I'm just an investigative person by nature and I despise shitcoin scams shitting up crypto. You can't pretend that the 600 LINK shill threads a day telling you to buy and hold on no matter what are normal, but any skepticism on what you're parting with your NEETbux for is 'fud'. You know its not normal to be in a 'community' where people are constantly telling you to buy more of something and any notion of leaving or selling your own investment is seen as treachery, right? Those behaviors belong in cults and P&Ds, not actual investments. Besides who the fuck is actually dumb enough to invest in something with no scarcity in the first place? ERC tokens are not finite, and 'node operators' can be paid in ETH. Remember, American entities can't deal with The point of crypto was transparency and self governing. If this upsets you then go back to your echo chamber, you'll always be debated and ridiculed here. All I want is for all you linkies to return to Rebbit and Discord where Chainlink team members literally hang out in the first place.

>> No.16591869 [View]
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You guys are so fucking embarassing. Just keep sinking lower and lower.

First you want to hold your cum then you guys and taking loads of drugs to "contact" beings. Now it's bullshit esoteric threads about some god complex. God damn Sirgay, your audacity is fucking amazing.

You guys are so retarded, it's hilarious. No wonder institutional investors or anyone with more than an iota of brain will steer the fuck clear from your faggy little project.

Even the most coked out, sporadically-violent, shit-head wall street investor would take one look at you guys and laugh. You guys aren't even the preschool version of investors, you're simply gullible retards that are probably, let's be honest, a gay cult surrounding a russian jabba the hut.

>> No.15744003 [View]
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Who is actually using Chainlink to connect outside data to blockchain? It's not happening just like Sergey's other project that failed before Chainlink. Somehow thousands bought into the ICO and are bagholding. It became /biz/'s coin somehow. What makes linkers believe that Chainlink is the only project trying to create oracles? There are none. You won't make a lot of money staking either. They are holding 65% of the fucking supply. That's a bad model to follow. Unlike Bitcoin where even though Satoshi mined 10% of the supply, they did it to get the strength or difficulty of the network going. Anyone can become a node and it's proof of work so no printing tokens from nothing like Chainlink.

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