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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55330826 [View]
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Garlinghouse is framing the narrative.
You don't just have the judge decide summary judgement in favor of Ripple, out of nowhere.
That would be shocking to the public.
Yes, yes, I know, I know.
It's not out of nowhere for us that have been paying attention for years.
But it will be out of nowhere for the normies.
Normies who haven't been following the lawsuit.

This is the moment.
This if the beginning of Ripple and Garlinghouse taking on the mantle of leadership of the entire crypto sector.
Ripple are the good guys standing up to a corrupt rogue government agency.
Expect to see more interviews with Garlinghouse.
On financial news networks, and maybe even regular news as well.
Expect to also see more opinion articles written against the SEC and in favor of Ripple.

If I was a normie, I would say the tide is turning.
But since I'm a schizo, I'll instead say that they are starting the narrative they will use after Ripple wins.
The narrative they have long planned for.
The narrative isn't just to explain the Ripple win to the public.
It's also to prepare them for coming crypto legislation that will be passed afterwards.

As cliché as it is to say, I actually feel like we are somehow closer to this case ending.
We should keep an eye out for more positive news articles and interviews.
Let's think of them like contractions.
Like the kind women have leading up to childbirth.
The shorter the interval between positive news stories about Ripple (or negative ones about the SEC) the closer we are to the case ending.
I know someone will say 2 more weeks.
But something has fundamentally changed in the air here.
I can feel it.
A sense of momentum.

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