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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.26192115 [View]
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>> No.26048875 [View]
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>> No.24662350 [View]
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They are selling link to pump btc one last time to 20k+

>> No.17325649 [View]
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Going all in tomorrow. You can tell Ari is smart as fuck

>> No.17280886 [View]
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Oh are we not supposed to talk about this yet? Whoops

>> No.13746198 [View]
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You guys dont even realize "we are such a small amount of people who have figured this out".

Just.... consider that right now.

>> No.13188884 [View]
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Fuck you cunts, i'm not selling till at LEAST 3k, you can suck it.

>> No.12728730 [View]
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I did it, /biz/. I cancelled my month-old buy order and bought back in. I sincerely repent, and will never, ever sell my LI-NK13S again. Also fuck jannies and niggers

>> No.12652321 [View]
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>> No.12499021 [View]
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Municipal marmalade'd

>> No.12326467 [View]
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Candlestick bottomed out at 8700- now L!NK is surging again. Should I FOMO in?

>> No.12202060 [View]
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That LINK is the key to am era of self-governing smart contracts, and it's giving me a fucking erection

Hi, I'm anon. You may know me from such LINK related posts as the time I memed Sergey on a wrecking ball, or the chainklink cube consisting of nothing but crude representations of a vagina.

I started browsing /biz/ back in late 2016 and missed the boat on ETH because I was too busy listening to /g/. I still made enough money when I finally bought in Q3 2017, and since that experience I have been keen to make sure I don't miss another absolute moon mission. Which brings me to LINK.

My LINK stack started as suicide insurance and enlisting into the ranks of an elite division of memetic warriors, keen for luls and Sergey.

That all changed when, last week, I finally read the whitepaper.


Before I immersed myself into the world of what decentralised oracles can do for humanity, I thought LINK was a meme.

I was wrong.


Bless you all, my fellow linkies. We are all going to make it

>> No.12144914 [View]
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Kekimus maximus
Children A and C can go fuck themselves. Children B and D both have a claim to the flute depending on the contract between them governing the flute production. However since possession is 9/10 of the law and I m currently holding the flute, then can all fuck off and I'm selling to the highest bidder

>> No.12128111 [View]
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No. His last project, His Magnum Opus, His masterpiece of Oracle-problem-solving will always be Chainlink. This is His life's work, and we are thankful for it

>> No.12126119 [View]
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>Hey granny, check out this brapper. I like to post /sniff/ when other anons post a roastie with a fat arse like this. What's a roastie? Oh, just our slang for a whore whose vagina lips have been turned inside out by excessive penis. Yes it can happen! No, no I've never seen one. Can I introduce you to our Lord and Saviour St. Sergey of Nazarov? He's a philosopher. We like to pretend he spends all his money at McDonalds and is going to make us rich. That's why I spent all my money on buying some digital numbers that he made. Would you like to buy some too? Granny? Granny come back don't leave me too I love you

>> No.12018946 [View]
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OP, drop some [Sergey pasta]+"fund" so we can all move on with our lives

>> No.11876015 [View]
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I met Sergey once (no larp) at a talk on emerging blockchain technology back in 2013. He sat at the back with his feet on the seats. The speaker was very polite, and there were a few people trying to listen but Sergey was talking loudly into a headset and microphone the whole time, he was shouting things like "Do you know who I am, I am going to have you fired, it's spelled N A Z A R O V, that's a VEE for Victory not a EN for END OF YOUR CAREER". Someone asked him to keep it down and he just sighed and said "I am rewriting the rules of financial markets, you wouldn't ask Michaelangelo to stop painting the Pristine Chapel roof?" (I know, but yes he said pristine). Then his phone started ringing while he was "talking" and he turned red and ran out of there really quick. I never saw him again until /biz/ picked up on LINK

>> No.11209168 [View]
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>Hey gramps, get off that mower and tell me a story about when you were poor.

>No problem, my son's wife's kid. Technically I was never poor because I was part of an army of racist NEETs, spending my days posting misogynistic and racist pictures of a frog on a Bolivian armpit sniffing imageboard, which was what we used before Justin Sun invented Web 4.0. I was rich in memes and board culture, but poor in Sergs and fiat. Then Vitalik- yes we kinda knew he was a pedo even back then- tried to use zero knowledge snarks to scale ETH and everyone realised that Ethereum was fucked. Bear in mind son, no-one really knew that McAfee was Satoshi, and it wasn't until he shorted BTC then proved he was Satoshi, crashing then price and making a killing but then having to eat his dick live on camera before we realised that the major players in the game were actually working hard behind the scenes, eschewing the cult of personality and creating viable ecosystems that-

>Gramps this is boring

>/sip/ then fuck off you little shit, have 0.000001 of a Stinky and go and buy yourself a new car or something

>> No.11113315 [View]
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>> No.10752789 [View]
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>> No.9961755 [View]
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Hello fellow patrician Link holders, it has come to my attention that there is no real way for Linkies to connect with each other outside of this anonymous imageboard. While this certainly protects our identities, I feel like this squanders our potential. Let me explain:

Currently, a mere 2,929 wallets contain 10,000 LINK or more. It is my personal (albeit, conservative) estimate that LINK tokens will be trading for between $300-500 by the end of 2025. Even just $100/LINK would mean 2,929 millionaires holding several billion dollars of wealth.

Now imagine if we created a worldwide network of millionaires who control the majority of world's new financial infrastructure? Thousands of people spread across the globe- a massive and completely decentralized think tank of individuals that can't be touched...

Now take it beyond that. Suppose Linkies use their newfound wealth to build empires- businesses, real estate and land holdings, entering the political realm, making powerful contacts, operating media outlets, infiltrating the entertainment industry, the list goes on and on. We have a serious opportunity here to build a significant network and organization. Most wealthy people became so without thousands of others riding the same wave.

I will see how people react to this post, and if it's a generally positive one, we'll move forward. Any suggestions on how to organize this group are welcome.

>> No.9800099 [View]
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Nope, always the memes

>> No.9673802 [View]
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>> No.9571457 [View]
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How low is it going on Friday?

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