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>> No.57619667 [View]
File: 43 KB, 471x388, pepe laugh inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't they just do some SQL Request ?

>> No.57457169 [View]
File: 43 KB, 471x388, pepe laugh inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using ChatGPT to pick stocks? Oh, please, that's like asking a magic 8-ball to manage your retirement fund. Let's get real here. ChatGPT, for all its bells and whistles, isn't exactly the Oracle of Omaha. It's a language model, not a financial guru. It's like asking a chef to fix your car – sure, they might have a good guess, but would you really trust your engine to someone who's better with a soufflé than a spark plug?

First off, ChatGPT doesn't have access to current or real-time market data. So, if you're thinking you've got some cutting-edge tool here, think again. You're basically working with a glorified encyclopedia that's a bit out of date. It's like trying to navigate New York City with a map from the 1990s. Good luck not running into a few "unexpected" skyscrapers!

Then there's the whole issue of financial expertise. ChatGPT is trained on a broad range of topics, which is a polite way of saying it's a jack of all trades and master of none. Sure, it can babble on about stocks and bonds, but when it comes to the nitty-gritty of financial analysis, it's about as clueless as a deer in headlights.

And let's not forget the volatility of the stock market. It's like a roller coaster designed by a madman. Relying on a static algorithm to navigate those twists and turns? You might as well throw your money into a wishing well and hope for the best. At least then you'd get a nice splash sound as your coins hit the water.

In the end, using ChatGPT to pick stocks is a bit like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Sure, you've got something in your hand, but don't be surprised when the other guy with the real firepower leaves you in the dust. Stick to using ChatGPT for what it's good for – trivia, language practice, and maybe a few dad jokes. Leave the stock picking to the pros, or at least someone who knows the difference between a stock and a sock.

>> No.52479674 [View]
File: 43 KB, 471x388, 1632174192801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks glowie

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