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>> No.56895805 [View]
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I retired at 36 with a net worth of ~400k. Here’s how:
>Buy some land in the middle of nowhere with a trailer on it. Nice to have water and power available. mine was $45k, on an acre of land.
>Invest the remainder of your money in such a way that you will not be subject to income taxes. As a single person you can make 39k in long term capital gains or qualified dividends at a 0% tax rate, plus a standard deduction of 14k, you can make 50k tax free.
>50k doesn’t sound like much, but you don’t pay payroll tax, income tax, or a mortgage. Your health insurance is practically free on healthcare.gov since you’re “poor”.
>Spend your money on a reliable, cheap used car, so you can drive to the city to do fun things.
>Wait for your BTC stack to moon. (You do have a BTC stack, right?)
I’m seven years in, and my net worth has doubled since I retired. I use the extra to travel and for more expensive hobbies.

>> No.56328509 [View]
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He's kind of a dick, but he raises a valid point. You've internalized society's judgement about what is, and is not, a waste of one's life. The wording of the question makes that clear. If you are worried about "progressing," retirement probably just isn't for you. You need to let that shit go first.

>> No.54340889 [View]
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Real wealth, aka actually making it, consists of having ENOUGH of three things: money, time, and health. Most people just focus on money, to the detriment of the other two.

>> No.51610802 [View]
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I left Big 4 for a small local firm where I became a partner. Firm went south and I decided not to go back to work. Bought a cheap place in the middle of nowhere for cash. Now I work in the yard, shitpost, read books, and travel with what extra I have. I live off of about $2k a month in rental income and dividends, and sell about 30k in BTC a year, for a total income of around $55k, which does not incur any income or payroll tax. As another anon said, ACA pays for most of my healthcare.

>> No.26207334 [View]
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Vasectofag here. Had mine a few years ago (mid 30s) and never looked back. I never wanted kids, still don't, and the freedom to drop loads into whatever roastie is fantastic. The procedure itself left me sore for a few days but otherwise was without issue. My loads might be less thick, but it could just be my imagination.
I went to the child support section of my state's website, which calculated my theoretical child support for one kid at $1600 a month. Started looking into a vasectomy immediately. Your love for women and wish to have children are the chains they use to bind you into lifelong servitude.

>> No.24593427 [View]
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I retired at 36 with a net worth of about 450k. Most people will tell you that's not enough, but they are addicted to consooming.
>It's not the same as being a neet is it?
Seems pretty much like being a NEET. I live on passive income and capital gains, but live a pretty frugal lifestyle. I live alone, so there's no one to make me tendies.
>How do you feel?
Retiring early isn't about being happy all the time. Nothing provides lasting happiness. Our brains just don't work that way. Retiring early is about reducing the suffering in your life. So I'm not ecstatically happy all day, but not working means I'm never kissing Mr. Shekelburgs ass. I'm never stressed about other people's money or my obligations to other people. It's weird how this has changed my perspective when it comes to wanting things. When I had a job, I always felt like I could afford something expensive and it was no big deal. Leased cars, expensive houses, etc. Now though, when I look at something expensive, I think, "I could have that, if I would just get a job. Is having that expensive thing worth getting a job?" Obviously, the answer is no, fuck no, omg holy shit fuck no. Nothing improves your live more than not having to wagecuck.
>What do you do?
Shitpost, read books, play video games, weekly D&D night with some bros, spend every other weekend with my girlfriend, and work in the yard. I have some land, so I'm thinking about starting a big garden next year, but it would take a lot of work. Even with my meager net worth, I still get to travel a couple times a year.

>> No.23599624 [View]
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>I should have spent more money to enjoy time with my friends and family
It doesn't take more money to spend time with friends and family. It takes more money to impress superficial assholes.
>I should have taken that girl out somewhere nicer
Impressing girls with money nets you a low quality, gold digging woman (99%) who will ruin your life.
>I should have taken that summer vacation when I was young and healthy
As opposed to retiring early and having a never-ending vacation while you are young and healthy.
>I shouldn't have revolved my life around clipping coupons and pinching pennies
No one's life "revolves around pinching pennies" that's just cope for people who spend every paycheck before they get it.
>I should have been less fearful of not having enough
That exactly what retiring early requires. It's the people who are afraid of not having enough that spend their entire lives wagecucking for Mr. Shekelburg.

>> No.19514370 [View]
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You're not brainwashed because you don't want to wagecuck. You are brainwashed because you think
>You can't do what you enjoy in life if you aren't rich
This is a planted obsession with money that was gifted to you by society in your youth. I'm not blaming you; I had it too. I'm a boomer who used to have ambition. I wagecucked, went back to college, graduated at the top of my class, worked at a big prestigious firm, then bought into my own practice which I ran for years. It's not worth it. Working 60+ hour weeks and stressing out so you can drive a mercedes instead of a honda is ludicrous, but I used to do it. Then again, I never could have retired early if there weren't people out there constantly humping to make that upgrade. The world is a strange place, I guess.

>> No.17185347 [View]
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Hmmm, this is intersting. I'm surprised "spent more time with my wife and kids" isn't on there. As a MGTOW crypto-NEET, this is a major whitepill. Thanks OP. I'll answer your questions with my most recent job:
>Owner of a small consulting company (<10 employees)
>Smart casual in the office (think golf attire), business casual to business professional when working with clients
>No, stress and deadlines were unbelievable
>Nah, did pretty well, mid 100's
>Peak periods had insane workloads, as owner, I had an unlimited to-do list
>No supervisor, but clients calling and emailing at all hours expecting their shit
>Got drunk at the bar next door

>> No.15712471 [View]
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It's just looks, unless they are ready to settle down and let you pay their bills. I have first hand experience of the difference. Was fat most of my life. Successful, confident, owned my own business in finance, salesman of 20k+ projects all the time. Met women, dated them, took them to nice places, etc. Always the backburner guy, always friend zoned. They almost never outright rejected me, just didn't return my calls or treated me flirtatiously in person but then ignored me later. I didn't understand; I followed all the standard advice, I'm an absolute fucking catch. Anyway, I was worried about my health and lost 100 pounds, from 300 to 200. Whoa, chad-lite face hiding underneath all these years. Now girls hit on me. Have sex within an hour of meeting. Girls flirt with me while I'm sitting in a bar next to another girl. It's fucking bullshit. I now find the whole scenario so disgusting I don't even bother. I have one FWB that I see every couple weeks and that's it. They're really trash man, it sucks. We've been lied to our whole lives so that we can be slaves of women who probably aren't even attracted to us. I guess I should be thankful that they've become so "liberated" that the truth is plain to see.

>> No.15537487 [View]
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I've worked in factories, gas stations, done finance in skyscrapers, even owned my own firm. The more money the worse the job is, unless you take extreme satisfaction in all the attention and importance associated with it, which I never did. When you have $15k in payroll to pay on Friday with $8k in the company bank account on Tuesday, you begin to realize that you never even knew what stress was until you got there. I dreamed of going back to run an assembly line for $16 an hour. None of that material shit was worth what those jobs did to my mental and physical health.

>> No.15520197 [View]
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They have to pretend that their relationships with coworkers are special and meaningful, otherwise the fact that they are working 70 hours a week and sacrificing their relationships with their actual families would crush their souls. One day they’ll make partner though and it will all be worth it.

>> No.15520125 [View]
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>I ain’t no field nigga! I work in da house with da massa!

>> No.15294903 [View]
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I kinda did this. Went back to college at 25, overloaded courses every semester, masters grad at 29. Went to work at a prestigious company in my field, left after two years to be an owner in a small company. Did that till 36. Made ok money, max of 135k. Retired on about a half mil net worth. A lot of sacrifices, including my current humble lifestyle, but I never have to wagecuck again. Worth it. I know OP is sarcastic, but it is possible.

>> No.15137023 [View]
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LOL, I'm 39. The people who "made moves" that "added up" have the same fat wives and miserable jobs as everyone else, they just have them in a better school district. It's a meme to keep you on script: WORK BREED SPEND. Any NEETs who can manage to avoid that prison, more power to you!

>> No.14932239 [View]
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Wagecucked for many years before my 30-yo boomer retirement. It does kind of suck that I don't really matter much anymore, but like other anons said, I only mattered before as a cog in the slave system. My mattering was dependent upon providing. That kind of makes it a lie all along, doesn't it?

>> No.10949326 [View]
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Create a token backed by my property. Sounds like a way to get filthy rich or end up in jail.

Was an owner in a firm. Worse than wagecuckin. Even though you aren’t just their earning for Mr Shekelberg, there is no end to the responsibility. Like being married to your job.

>> No.4844357 [View]
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Tired of all the commies saying bitcoin is a bubble and acting like a fucking know it all. Ok btfo you told me its a bubble already. Bye felica

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