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>> No.27863444 [View]
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It's pretty much the conclusion I've reached. I have no particular reason to suspect I can outperform the market. Although I did have some good picks before my royal fuck-up
No, fuck off, I don't like the name

>> No.22492371 [View]
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I'll be honest. Things aren't looking good for Coinmetro right now. It doesn't help that the whole thing wasn't sustainable, to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, revealing the flaw: it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme, which was proved by crowdfundinsider. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.21625928 [View]
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>another shitty memecoin like WAIF or YAM or Tendies or WHATEVER

>> No.21498357 [View]
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Can you really call it dumping when the price has been corrected to be at the same rate than you can find on the website, using paypal? I mean if you buy 450$ of YAH on exchanhes you get around 100k tokens, which is the actual price. It was overvalued on the exchanges until now.

This is either FUD, misplaced panic or a poorly made attempt at shilling.

>> No.9612700 [View]
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1524855049811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll entertain you for a bit. You curveather brainlets have 5 minutes to support your view. Otherwise, you're living proof that standardized (((education))) is actually the most effective means of mass indoctrination ever seen.

>> No.9124164 [View]
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1C9AC07E-80E5-4AF1-970B-4B86D2C4A97D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm monthly volume?

You’re a piece of shit

>> No.8827768 [View]
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 2B6A6BB2-7AB5-4FF6-82E1-6080E43A7073.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing of note.

>9pm est

>> No.6891392 [View]
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 93FC9A7B-1B12-436E-AB9C-24744226DAC0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marriage as an institution is dying and decayed. Prenup or nothing.

>> No.6837590 [View]
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 8F1354BF-8BDD-4615-BB9D-349F60A040E1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2039786 [View]
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>not holding on to the next Ethereum

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