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>> No.54457237 [View]
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You're not entirely wrong but to some degree I believe they're doing it on purpose. I mean, look at this. What compels a man to look like this? This isn't effortless disregard for one's appearance, but a deliberate expression - so why do it?

The answer is that they're daring us to laugh. They believe they know something that we don't and they want us to react so that they can chortle at how ignorant we are. And if we hold our tongues and applaud and praise them for their "bravery," unable to speak our minds, then it's all the more amusement for them. It's the equivalent of a woman at a feminist rally removing her clothing and scawling the word "SLUT" on herself. They're daring you to ask, "isn't this a bridge too far?" They're desperate for you to take the bait.

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