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>> No.11516640 [View]
File: 146 KB, 640x640, runningshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Biz...

I.... I'm rounding out my degree.. > "Interview 5 friends who have purchased a pair of sport shoes about their decision process" Could 5 of you just gimme some variety to go on -- I don't care if you're honest -- maybe your post might make it into the essay for anecdotal evidence.

>1.Did you consider a different brand or were you brand specific?

>2.If you considered a different brand, which brands did you consider?

>3.If you didn’t consider a different brand, why not?

>4.What words come to mind when you hear “Nike”

>5.What words come to mind when you hear “Reebok”

>6.What words come to mind when you hear “Adidas”

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