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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.4683894 [View]
File: 650 KB, 900x1600, efd40642-38ef-451f-a36a-36cfd62d38ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning 23 in 3 weeks.
>still a NEET.
>low I.Q
>KHV dateless, rejected by every girl I ever asked out.
>Just had a mental breakdown at my psychologist's office and ran out screaming.
>jerk off 2 times a day on average.
>bad acne, hairline receding, dark eye bags 24/7, look awful overall.
>starting to deteriorate mentally and physically.
>haven't been on vacation since 14 years old.
>browse r9k and biz all day.
>built a 3,000 dollar computer but only use it for 4chan and some vidya.
>in constant stress and can't sleep.

Money won't make you happy anons. Pic related is my savings account. I'm close to a 1 million USD networth yet I was sent away to a psychiatric ward a few months ago. Life is a living hell, I still live with my mom also. I don't even have the drive to move out and go through the process of buying a house or condo. I think I'll just stay at home then kill myself when all my BTC, ETH and my stocks crash inevitably. No clue how long that will take, though. Why did you lie to me biz? You said money will make you happy and girls will like you. It hasn't done anything. My life is slightly worse now only I have a nicer computer and can buy games whenever I want.

>> No.4669989 [View]
File: 650 KB, 900x1600, efd40642-38ef-451f-a36a-36cfd62d38ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related.
>I never put my benis in a vagina.

>> No.4536007 [View]
File: 650 KB, 900x1600, efd40642-38ef-451f-a36a-36cfd62d38ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related is my savings account.
>spend around 10k-12k USD per year.
>KHV dateless.
>can't even enjoy vidya anymore.
>Just sit at home doing nothing all day.
>jerk off 2 times a day on average

Money won't make you happy /biz/ maybe if you're a normie with an already good life it will improve it, but if you are like me the novelty will wear off fast, and you will be back to your own ways, just with a higher number displayed on your bank account.

>> No.3977103 [View]
File: 650 KB, 900x1600, efd40642-38ef-451f-a36a-36cfd62d38ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I rich yet anons? I'm 22 btw.

>> No.3863949 [View]
File: 650 KB, 900x1600, efd40642-38ef-451f-a36a-36cfd62d38ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 22 year old rich NEET.
>have over 450k in stocks/btc.
>zero debt and zero credit score.
>drive a 2014 BMW convertible
>have around 40k in mutual funds.
>live with wealthy mother in big house expense free.
>just built a 3,000 dollar gaming pc a few months ago.
>relax in my pool all day.
>play vidya all day.
>watch anime all day.
>going on vacation to Germany so I can fuck some hot girls legally and for cheap.
>unlimited time for hobbies.
>barely any stress.
>pic related is my checkings/savings

Feels good being a rich NEET.

>inb4 "you're not rich hurr durr"

I'm in the top 1% for my age, and probably in the top .00001% for NEETS my age, you wagecucks on /biz/ probably don't even have a 100k networh yet. Enjoy slavery until you're 65 just so you can live the NEET life for 15 years.

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