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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55941985 [View]
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pay of my last little bit of debt, keep DCA'ing BTC and XMR, stockpile food and ammo, and learn to garden. life is good.

>> No.55355240 [View]
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crypto normies are either ignorant or too comfortable to look into protecting their financial privacy. Most people just want to consume product, eat their goyslop, work for the weekend, and talk about the current thing with their fellow NPCs. Freedom from this comes at a cost. And that cost is giving up many conveniences of the system. Most normies don't even understand this concept yet. As things progress more towards an Orwellian dystopia they may wake up. But by then it may be too late for them to escape the clutches of the system.

>> No.53838827 [View]
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Stop giving a shit about what people that don't matter think of you.

>> No.53811445 [View]
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Monero is for transacting, not casing in. Either use it or hold it to use it later. Otherwise fuck off back to normieville with you're open ledger cuck coins.

>> No.53047580 [View]
File: 401 KB, 480x384, 1636532458092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenver I see a thread with OP being a:
>Someone posting a influencer/opinion of a influencer
>Posting a twitter screencap
>Posting a normalfag memes
>Posting a larp story
>Posting any schizo stuff
>Posting anything from tiktok
I instantly hide and ignore the thread. Made $200k thanks to this in the last bull run. This type of subhumans are incapable of ever having any worthwhile thoughts or opinions so it is anyways just a waste of time to read anything they post. I recommend you to do the same due to the fact that /biz/ has been overrun by this type of subhumans.

>> No.51246483 [View]
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Normalnigger detected, only low iq subhuman failed normalniggers are writing "normies" because they are afraid to post the words fag or nigger or else their last remaning friends, especily female friends will leave them. They also mostly use normalnigger websites like twitter, facebook or r*ddit so they are used to use less normalnigger hostile language. This is why you see so many failed normalniggers and normalfags using the word "normie" without the suffix fag or nigger. Ignore this non-human trash if you see them, they are incapable of posting an original thought or any worthwhile post or thread, so you only waste your time reading any of their posts.

>> No.51172062 [View]
File: 401 KB, 480x384, 1636532458092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID
>37 low iq retarded newfags from /pol/, r*ddit and twitter keep posting ITT
Holy shit /biz/ is fucking dead.

>> No.50960951 [View]
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I've been doing this for the past year or so. XMR is the only crypto I really trust since it is basically immune to regulation, tracking, and taxes. I also DCA into BTC too but not as much and am ready to dump it all into XMR at a moments notice. You can say it's risky but if the last few years have shown us anything its that banks and the US government are not to be trusted and only serve the needs and wants of elite oligarchs.

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