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>> No.56353839 [View]
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I had a baby earlier this year and I wouldn't trade my baby for a billion dollars. So economically and technically speaking have my wife and I generated $500 million dollars worth of value to each other?

>> No.54908145 [View]
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If you don't make it by 30 you will never be young enough to enjoy making it, therefore, you can't make it.

I turn 30 later this month
just realized

>> No.51210995 [View]
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Discipline & Experience != Enfeeblement
Go ahead and take my argument and suggestion in bad faith, but I can still tell you'll be the first one to sign up for the VR sex pod with built in morphine drip

>> No.50909686 [View]
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You need to read Uncle Ted
AI is not gonna extinguish just 90% of humanity,
.10 of 8 billion is 800 million, the population of Earth just shortly before 1800
It's gonna either kill us all, enslave us as I will lay out below, or escape into the wider world and we will forever be doomed to live in a world where demon-like titans live over us like autistic gods and we have no idea what they could be thinking

But that's no matter, because it's happening anyway even without some centralized superintelligence bad guy
The human is becoming like the mitochondria became in the cell, a basically separate organism with a separate lineage whose physiological needs are met in exchange (perhaps against its primitive will) for serving the larger structured organism

The interesting thing, what's been discovered more recently in cancer research, is that a cancer cell often develops only from repeated, chronic stress to the cell - intense but acute stress does not often create cancers.
When the cell becomes cancerous, it 'reverts' so to speak to resemble more prokaryotic traits: reproducing quickly and consuming resources, sometimes attacking other cells, not dying when signalled to die or when it endangers the body
But when a cell is fat and happy, it obeys.
Sometimes the cancer wins, and actually kills the body, and in this way it can die an honorable death

We are becoming the mitochondria to our technologies, memes, and institutions like nation states
Yes we sometimes, like the cancer, kill these organisms from below when they do not deliver us our needs, but each time we kill them another one pops up better than the last at pacifying people

Only right now at this juncture before extremely evolved solutions to controlling the human appear, do we have the power to stop this process and live life forever as free humans enjoying the full depth of reality and not as things reduced to the lowest common denominator in service of a higher organism

>> No.50711927 [View]
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If you want to make this argument it's about material science but also energy
Some even say the improvement of metals is merely a way to store energy in denser and denser useful mediums
>No point in slavery when you're hunting and gathering because you're healthy and have everything you really need, plus you can't keep them in line very well
>But once you're an agrarian society eating shitty repetitive cereal grains, unhealthy and weak, and doing repetitive work in one place, slavery becomes viable and profitable again
>Then when coal becomes your slave it becomes distasteful to have human ones
>But then once bezos and musk find a profitable way to live on Mars in 100 years, "gee it looks like those Martian homes are so affordable and Earth land is so expensive these days, isn't it?"
>Whoops we're stuck on a neofeudalist planet and can't get off without the compassion of offworlders or the elites on Mars

That said, that's all Whig History
The ancient Greeks could've invented the steam engine and the rest, but they didn't, because probably that intuitively understood the enslavement of themselves that would be required to make that system work, and for what?

Take the Ted pill

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