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>> No.55710321 [View]
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>The only way Bitcoin moons is if alts die.
wdym by that i thought alts were good for bitcoin because they bring in more investors

>> No.55223014 [View]
File: 23 KB, 750x422, 164444324998963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

????? tf you mean by this

I would advice getting into some real smallcaps with low ROI like RBE.
>0% probability of rugpull since their LP is locked and is worth 200 ETH (no one would want to risk losing that)
>V3 of uniswap makes it so the price impact is almost nonexistent so you can forget about dumps
>You can basically buy and wait for the pump
your pick OP

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