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>> No.12405148 [View]
File: 93 KB, 870x714, final results, bernie sanders wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sanders could easily beat Trump
for once i agree gommie, if hillary hadnt forced the democrat party to let her "win", bernie would have won 2016

but the Dem party couldnt let an independent win their nomination after the relatively independent candidate (Trump) won the republican nomination

they will if they want to win blue collar democrat votes
pic related (Bernie sanders ended up winning michigan's primary, and there was a similar story in wisconson, PA, ohio, and the other states in her "blue wall")
>where have i seen poll predictions like this before? that ended up being so wrong?
bonus points, younger democrats were twice as likely to vote for sanders than they were for hillary, in almost every single state

>>Sanders polling terribly. And he's white, and he's old, and he's not even a Democrat, AND he couldn't even beat Hilary
Sanders beat hillary in most blue states where she lost to trump (see michigan primaries)
we really need a viable third party already, its just getting sad at this point

2016 election went perfectly (considering Bernie was not allowed to run on a major ticket, because "its her turn")

now we have three fantastic possibilities for 2020

>republican party revolts, Trump runs as third party candidate (and wins, or wins at least 30% of the votes)


>moderate republican runs as third party candidate, wins 20-30% of vote


>democratic party splits in half, mainstream democrat candidate gets 15% or more of the votes, while another democratic candidate runs as third party, also getting at least 15% of the votes (extra far left, or extra centerist but still technically left, doesnt really matter which)

in the grand scheme of things, 2020 is shaping up to be a great year, regardless of the presidential winner

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