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>> No.59624234 [View]
File: 149 KB, 800x800, but_wheres_my_invite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're in here with 19 pbtid and you've been here for the entire year, but you sold at a profit calling everyone baggies, but somehow that's stixil's fault?
you don't even hold the token and you flip-flop between concern for holders and laughing at them for being your exit liquidity.
so yes, you are a clown and you deserve to get laughed at because nothing you say is worth engaging with.

>> No.58976819 [View]
File: 149 KB, 800x800, but_wheres_my_invite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you post the new ones?

>> No.58974745 [View]
File: 149 KB, 800x800, but_wheres_my_invite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow no shit, less than 3 minutes and you got your jeet appear to try to derail it again
>NAOOOO 1 billion new crypto users
>NAOOO 110 million existing crypto users
>NAOOOOO normie-friendly smart wallet that removes the difficulty of bridging, wallet management and cross-chain
>NAOOOOO everyone must be talking about bald and beautiful who is clearly a larp that everyone makes fun of
>NAOOOO it couldn't possibly be someone else that i'm not aware of because i'm not in the secret avi whale chat where we discuss strategy and alpha in private
>NAOO just like the V2 UX test that i wasn't invited to or knew about until it was posted publicly


Reminder, we're almost at the end of our flight tests now with key community members being invited to assist with A/B testing the V2 UX that will be live along with the upcoming mainnet launch. Exciting!

Undoubtedly amongst the excitement there have been mixed emotions particularly with the current wider market volatility as well as the longer than expected time to go live for mainnet.

Fortunately, if you are looking at the long-term performance of Aviator and its products, you will understand why the team prioritises security (with 2 completed Hacken audits) and usability (V2 of the UX) over short-term price action.

Additionally, the potential working partnership with Coinbase introduces a relationship where brand presentation and UX design play a pivotal role in ensuring an easy transition to the Skybridge platform.

Whilst it may seem counter-intuitive, focusing on the strongest launch possible is really going to produce the best outcome for holders as there is only one chance to make a first impression. And with a $54bn market cap and 110m+ verified users, if you care about your token price then you WANT the first impression to be the best it can be.

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