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>> No.54512961 [View]
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The point was that the run up from march 2020 to August 2020 was the steepest incline that resulted in up to 3x gains for those positioned on time. From trough to peak it was six months total to net those gains.
For some reason those two "he's coping" posters can't zoom out to see this fact. So it's likely they're new itt like fresh diaper new to this so they can't imagine that anything could possibly even exist before they showed up with their immense rectal rot.
I wasn't even talking about gold or gdx but commodities as a whole sector. This is what happens when nigtards don't lurk and don't read the thread. We're gonna see more of these mental midgets once things pick up steam.
I'm convinced the world is going to become overtly commie while also claiming to be ardent capitalists and proponents of liberty
This article linked here >>54509522 has the strong arm tactics that are perfectly clear that this is precisely what they are doing. Fucking niggers man

>> No.54479429 [View]
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>> No.54236987 [View]
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In my schizo opinion this will pass over after they use their small hat media magic and then we'll get a cyber attack to keep the velocity down, like covid after the repo market collapsed in Sept 19. They'll need to curate the flow of money somehow so exporting those dollars via warfare is probably still on the table since it's the tried and true method since the first money was laid out with rollers in ancient china
The more things change...
I hate this fucking planet so fucking much bro I'm going to come back as an asteroid and destroy this place before we can export faggotry to other solar systems

>> No.54151249 [View]
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Really? We need an entire shill thread these days?
We know it's rigged but that doesn't stop us from fucking them over.
Tick tock hedgies, your desperation is showing and it's a great reassurance to see you struggle to make an argument and put adds on TV to say just how strong you are. Kinda how SCB did.. 48 hours before they crashed! If I were you, I'd try to secure at least a roof over my head that I can keep for when it collapses. Tick tock!

>> No.52791540 [View]
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So their agenda to make us sell is still to lower the price so we can buy more?
Nah, I'm okay with that, drop it all little lower though, I want to invest big and get good returns, Christmas bonus is around the corner and I want big numbers!

>> No.52282614 [View]
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If you want a face to BTC crashes, all of them. Look no further then Kenneth C. Griffin of Citadel Securities.
He fucked up and he's always fishing for bagholders on BTC and a plethora of other stocks as he needs liquidity to keep being an absolute financial terrorist!
It's been happening for over a year now, a stock or coin goes up only to come down a little more and be a little worse off each time, fishing for new bagholders by letting it go back up and then yank the rug again.
He's milking the crypto market and stock market on cash for his own ignorance and refusing to give up his bad bet and is gonna take the whole financial market with him down from his stubbornness..

Know thy enemy!

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