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>> No.59470997 [View]
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/x/ here
feeling good
looking good
smelling good

>> No.29779046 [View]
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>> No.13850357 [View]
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>this is sustainable

>> No.11268202 [View]
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Aгeнт "MMКEБЛ" нa cвязи

>> No.10938840 [View]
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Almost 2019..

where is (((lightning network)))?

>> No.10754199 [View]
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Be miserable and suffer till you're 50, enjoy your kids (possibly) sustaining you for the rest of your life (like 5 more years since you lived like shit)
Now that I call life.

>> No.10321644 [View]
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>he doubted Hitler

>> No.9734121 [View]
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Serious, no bully, no pajeets, no overshilling.

Today I'm in a mood where I wonder about my holdings, will I make it ? I started from almost nothing and I'm still in profits even after the massive fuck up in January (sold a bit but not enough, retarded) so I can't complain too much but meh, a bit worried from time to time.

So, anon, which projects you think have a great potential ?

>> No.9647658 [View]
File: 946 KB, 1512x2016, pepeinspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incentive layer for persistently computing contracts in an economically efficient manner, structure for arranging child chains in a tree format to maximize low-cost efficiency and net-settlement of transactions, a MapReduce computing framework for constructing fraud proofs of state transitions within these nested chains to be compatible with the tree structure while reframing the state transitions to be highly scalable, a consensus mechanism which is dependent upon the root blockchain which attempts to replicate the results of the Nakamotoconsensus incentives, and abitmap-UTXO commitment structure for ensuring accurate state transitions off the root blockchain while minimizing mass-exit costs.

>> No.9636383 [View]
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>nobody knows
>but i can guarantee it won't be X

yikes, that's what we call a fallacy

>> No.9413501 [View]
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>> No.9383022 [View]
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a lot better from his previous set up... don't you think?

>> No.8993924 [View]
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Easily, thinking if I should sell my ELA and HPB for BBN to get another 400k, the other 2 don't have obvious whales mass accumulating.

>> No.8949197 [View]
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>le produce stuff man

>> No.8831112 [View]
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Well I am planning on sending Pepe on a weather balloon I purchased sometime in the summer in order to get pictures of Pepe touching the blackness of space and the face of God himself. So I don't really plan on getting him back

Pic related it's my Pepe's custom astronaut helmet

>> No.8800691 [View]
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I'm the guy who spent $600 to buy a weather balloon + supplies to litteraly send my pepe plush to the stratosphere and take pictures of him in space. I know I probably won't get it back

Pic related, its my pepe and his custom astronaut helmet

>> No.8786112 [View]
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>Entirety of market is down 60-90% with no exceptions
>Why hasn't X mooned yet!?!?!

>> No.8686090 [View]
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>People are just pulling money out to buy Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs for Easter.

>> No.8573223 [View]
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This is my Pepe plush, and on an impulsive whim yesterday I thought it would be a good idea to send Pepe into the stratosphere via weather balloon and film his journey. Pepe will become an astronaut thanks to /biz/ and go 20 miles into the air, touching the very face of God. I posted this last night but wanted to again due to how late it was. I'm aiming for his journey within a month, pending weather conditions. I will need to plan accordingly at least 7 days prior to lunch which is recommended on all HAB flights. I plan on filming Pepe's journey via GoPro the entire time, and once the balloon pops I will use a GPS tracker to locate the payload and upload the video.

Here is what I have purchased so far.
800g Weather Balloon
GPS Tracking
GoPro camera
Pepe Plush & his helmet

Here's still what I need
Radar detector
Payload (currently designing)
A good place to launch Pepe (If anyone has a good idea in Pennsylvania, somewhere where there is a ton of fields/flat land)

What are your thoughts? Is this something you would all want to see? I can't livestream it due to at I believe 30,000 feet cell tower goes down and Pepe will be over 100K feet in the air.

I also intent on creating a poll, in which the #1 rated shitcoin will be pinned to Pepe so that shitcoin too, can be with Pepe in space. Let me know what you think.

Pic related ,it's me and my Pepe plush and his custom astronaut helmet he will wear on his journey

>> No.8558253 [View]
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I am formally anouncing "Pepe in Space." An event to be disclosed at a later time once I have gathered the materials. Pepe will be launched 100K feet into the air, touching the blackness of space. I have already purchased a weather balloon, gps tracking, a GoPro, and other misc items to send Pepe 20 miles into the stratosphere. I am currently waiting for these items to arrive, however helium is a little expensive and I need to wait for the weather to be good. Perhaps in 2-3 weeks. This will be the first Pepe in space and I want you all the be there with me to witness it.

Is this something you would want to see? Tell me what you think.

I was thinking about having a little poll to see what shitcoin would be plastered on my pepe plush so that too would be in space.

Pic related, it's my Pepe Plush with his custom astronaut helmet that I just made for him, and he'll be wearing into the stratosphere.

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