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>> No.10748085 [View]
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>Steve the lion likes to kill gazelle.
>Steve the lion thinks the more gazelle he kills the better. Then he will never be without food and can live in luxury.

>All the other lions think Steve is a dick and needs to stop killing so many gazelle.

>They say "Steve, because you are killing so many gazelle there is not enough food for the other lions, if you are not going to stop then at least share what you have, you can't possibly eat all of it."

>Steve the lion says fuck you.
>Steve the lion says he worked hard to catch all his gazelle. Who are the other lions to tell him how much he can eat? Steve says if they want to eat maybe they should stop being lazy and kill more gazelle.

>Frank and Bill the lion decide Steve is right and also start hoarding gazelle.

>a few months later the other lions get really angry because there are hardly any gazelle left for them to eat and they confront Steve again.

>They say, "Steve you bitch, there are almost not gazelle left because you Frank and Bill killed so many and are hoarding them all. If you dont share we will starve to death. You must share our we will take your gazelle forcefully.

>Steve says it immoral to take what he has worked for.

>The other lions say it is immoral for Steve to let them starve to death.

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