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>> No.26046152 [View]
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Redpill me on VET

>> No.22875709 [View]
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Anyone own any Vechain? people say it will be at $1.00 in a few years and $5.00 in 4-5+ years

>> No.20979030 [View]
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Anyone else hate this Chinese Communist Party scamcoin?

>> No.14035427 [View]
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hope you are ready

>> No.14028717 [View]
File: 7 KB, 225x225, vet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip and enjoy the ride

>> No.11338705 [View]
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Vetards on suicide watch

>> No.11020127 [View]
File: 7 KB, 225x225, VENGANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here /comfy/ with the only crypto that's going to make it?

>> No.10933324 [View]
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No vechain discussion? So we can all admit its a scam right? You can't even talk to the bagholders without them dismissing you as a troll. I was being a shitty troll on their telegram but when i actually started raising serious FUD, they banned my ass.

VEN uses PoA with 101 authentication nodes, this is essentially a distributed blockchain, i.e. no different to a giant server. You have to trust VEN and their authority node holders, which are mostly held by VEN, their shit ICO partners and friends, so you are completely placing your trust in them.

The "12 different nodes" you are talking about, do nothing in practise for the ecosystem, they just generate a never ending supply of tokens for "node" holders so there is a lot of fiat locked up in their network.

The whole thing is a pile of shit, if you want to "trust" a blockchain provider that uses PoA, try using IBM or Microsoft instead, VEN is just a pump and dump scam that cannot be trusted.

The whole idea of blockchain, and its subsequent trust and security is to create a decentralised network. They are now shilling themselves as a dapp platform, what a fucking joke. Who is retarded enough to run a dapp on a PoA.

>> No.10721957 [View]
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Hey. I haven't checked my Vechain in about 6 months. It used to be about $5 now it's under $1. What happened? No memes please.

>> No.10677623 [View]
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