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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57083481 [View]
File: 45 KB, 450x510, 1599610552745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can get that feel on occasion during a hot coin I bought but for the most ive friend my get excited part of my brain from the up's and downs of my wallet the last 3yrs. made it in 2021 but since I wasnt at my pc I didnt get to cash out when the market dumped over the course of a week and by the time I was able to get back to my pc my wallet had dumped about 97% (mostly shitcoins but some solid investments). and over time iver sold and tried to do better but ended up gambling it all away.

>> No.51270427 [View]
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ok, sure, but if models won't hold we'll probably never see ath again.
yepp, that's what I'm afraid of

>> No.51114947 [View]
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i bought more. omv to 500k

econ numbers are good why would I care that JP is hawkish? this is the bottom or we are very near it.

>> No.49847538 [View]
File: 45 KB, 450x510, 1639191973433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on tons of cash, thinking about buying Vanguard VT, gold and Bitcoin/Ethereum. Tell me your plans, but only if you're not a bag holder.

>> No.21793337 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, 1576689939954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very big brain especially the more you watch it.

Plus I like its aesthetic and background music

>> No.18851253 [View]
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This is probably my favorite economics documentary. Most likely because it's all about Japan and during the bubble/collapse segments, the visuals and background music give off some pretty sweet vaporwave vibes: >>>/wsg/3433817

>> No.18326963 [View]
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It's chump change compared to a lot of folks here, but my 450 turned into 520 today, I'm feeling pretty comfy

>> No.18117300 [View]
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1000 in, down 240. Was down 350 as of Monday, but cheapie buying on the way down as helped this week pump it up. Just a meme Robinhood account, I haven't even looked at my 401k (and probably don't want to at this point)

>> No.17950779 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, 1584333445592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a buddy that's done well for himself over the last decade. Most of his shit is paid for, but he's still scrambling to consolidate for prolonged work shortage. Shitty too, because at this rate he could have retired in 5 years at the age of 40, extremely wealthy. He can always go back to sales, but a lot of folks don't possess a variety of skills. Definitely worrisome times for oilfield guys right now

>> No.17834580 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, 1576689939954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A melancholic playlist for these end times. Join me as I head to In-N-Out one last time.


>> No.16598355 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, Vhx75Kx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too depressed and autistic for relationships and love
>short term hookups and prostitutes are a short relief but left me more miserable and depressed than ever before
im just about done lads. is semen retention a meme or no? im thinking of doing that and just stay in isolation from now on reading books and lifting weights all year long.

>> No.16576973 [View]
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>Authentichappiness comes from within. Itcomesfrom making wise choices, including choosing to be happy. When our external situation is going well, it might make it easier for us to choosehappiness, but it is not the cause of it. You can be happy even when things around you are nothing like youwouldlike them to be.
i never understood this shit. is it pure cope?

>> No.16574855 [View]
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Doing my uni work so I wouldn't get kicked out and have to go wageslave. I hold 19k LINK so one of my strategies is just be in uni and wait it out. After January when exams are over I plan to continue with my startup plan by trying to get in contact with businesses and see what the they think about it and if they are willing to cooperate. Dont have a good feeling about it since when I tried contacting a ceo through linkedin, he didn't even see it. I'm gonna try contacting the IT manager guys since they seem like the type of persons who would actually care about new IT solutions.

>> No.16560163 [View]
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>wasted all my youth from 17 to 25 trying to get rich to acquire normie tier fancy bullshit
>got depressed, socially retarded and cocaine addicted in the process
>have enough money to last me some years with a nice lifestyle
6 months sober now with crippling depression. sold off my audemars piguet, s coupe because i realised it was all a meme. im honestly thinking of hoping on test e for a few months and blow all the money i made in SEA and tokyo on whores and alcohol for a few years and be done with it. atleast then it had some sort of purpose. i dont fucking want to retire at 50 with a limp dick. i already wasted most of my youth. i can completely neet it up for the next 10 years now atleast and enjoy life in my remaining physical prime before its too late.

>> No.8450786 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, 1514423495259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even just Scandroid, Klayton's shit is terrific in general.

The only thing I need to get comfy is put his stuff on, open binance, read some /biz/, have a drink or some pot, and think about the up and coming crypto future.

>> No.8095731 [View]
File: 46 KB, 450x510, original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm forever grateful to Grandpa Anon for giving me 0.04 Bitcoin before he died so that I could buy a penthouse condo in my new city."

>> No.5538682 [View]
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My grandfather gave me $5,000 to invest for him into cryptocurrency. I get 5% of any profits made. I have other old people calling me and asking me to do similar things for them.

What are

A) The best coins to make a profit with


B) The best ways to do this legally without getting shafted by the government or SEC for not being licensed or something?

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