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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.20983642 [View]
File: 151 KB, 1718x886, tvl.bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy the rumour, sell the news
i think this is the most brainlet play possible

this isn't some piece of news that's not going to change how the token is used. it's the opposite-- the token is used by the platform. and the more it is used, the more it will go in value. they will have incentives in the first few months to use the platform and as total locked value snowballs to take the top5 spot on DeFiPulse, the value of the token will follow.

i think anyone selling the token at platform launch is retarded.

>> No.20899973 [View]
File: 151 KB, 1718x886, tvl.bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think everyone will immediately jump to a ship that’s been known to sink.
1) it will start snowballing immediately after they reopen, yes. i think anyone buying the rumour and selling the news is going to get fucked in the ass. look at their tvl before the hack. they were right behind COMP before the hack.
2) that's why they're not reopening and instead getting as much security audits as possible. they have said they want to be the most audited DeFi platform because they never want to get hacked ever again.

>> No.20585010 [View]
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>> No.20524257 [View]
File: 151 KB, 1718x886, tvl.bzx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you pick anything other than BZRX?

they're still extremely undervalued because idiots look at the TLV and think they are worthless.

they've been performing security audits since february and they will only be done in august to ensure their chances of getting hacked are minimal.

bZx invented DeFi and were the market leaders until they temp shutdown their site to upgrade it. they will have liquidity mining and staking. and in addition to lending like AAVE and COMP, they will have margin trading.

it's a stupid easy 10x once their platform reopens and their TLV starts getting close to COMP's.

>> No.20519997 [View]
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>> No.20517393 [View]
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upcoming catalysts that will pump the price:

-platform relaunch (lending and margin trading)
-staking (you get a % of the fees from the platforms + BAL rewards)
-liquidity mining incentives
-an announcement of a top 3 defi integration that will bring in a ton of TVL (and other smaller integrations)
-announcement of "interesting backers" (this sounds like several big names have invested & partnered with them.
-it's undervalued at 40m marketcap (other top defi projects have 400m marketcaps).
-it's defi. all other defi projects have pumped and investors are looking for the next big defi project to invest in.
-BZRX was the #1 defi project and will be again when it relaunches. it had more TVL than COMP. it had millions in daily volume. Aave copied BZRX lending and tokenomics.
-BZRX will be bigger than COMP. COMP is just lending. BZRX is lending and margin trading. Margin trading is bigger than lending. Look at Bitmex. It has multi-billion dollar daily volume.
-COMP/AAVE are governance tokens and will take a while for them to implement tokenomics. BZRX holders can earn fees as soon as it relaunches.
-BZRX had all that daily volume before defi was getting hyped and before liquidity mining incentives/fee sharing/etc. Think how much volume it will get now.
-BZRX invented DeFi and were the market leaders until they temp shutdown their site to upgrade it. The defi king is returning to take its throne.
-Short term target price $3

>> No.20433236 [View]
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the tokens were not unlocked but the TVL was only behind COMP before the hack.

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