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>> No.12391157 [View]
File: 235 KB, 1080x756, sun tzu chaos opportunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think about it like this, imagine you're a slave and your owner's are your elites (a fitting metaphor if you see the diction used by these onspirators). In order for you to live you have to obey your master, and as your master they have to subtedly justify why they are your master (even if that means lying). This, is the primordial dynamic and it seems to be the most apparent. If, we were to come together and let's say overthrow the elites, then the only thing we are left to do if live with the same oppression from he elites that will rise up later.
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."
Jews believe that at the end of the epoch, when they build the third temple at the temple mount, their messiah will come and help them rule over the world. They believe that each jew will have 2800 goyim "slaves" who dont really know that theyre slaves serving their masters. This is done today through the fiat currency/fractional reserve banking systems that are in place around the world. The jews think its a noble thing though, as they believe its the only way to bring about world peace. They believe they would be doing the goyim a favor by protecting us from ourselves, for the low low price of spending our lives working to build cities, invent technology, harvest food, and shape the world to the jews utopian projection of absolute hedonism. Jews, however, believe that this is the goyims role in the world, since were not "God's chosen people" and they are. The entire course of human history has been a balance of jews using their tribalistic social engineering for this purpose, until it reaches a point that the goyim rise up and bring order back to societys jews have thrown into hedonistic chaos. Were reaching the breaking point of the largest instance of this today, given that global communication has allowed it to be done on a global scale. But now we can fight the usurers with a decentralized ledger, so invest wisely friends.

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