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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.23694007 [View]
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I wish man

UGP is a part of the total supply. Brave still has a massive portion of the total supply in its UGP, see: >>23693857

as long as Brave controls that, and like less than 20 other wallets control another 50% of the supply, I don't see the price of BAT going anywhere. The "liquidity crunch" will be sold into, you better believe it. Big BAT whales have posted in BAT threads before and they always mention their price targets, and they're not very high. BAT's price is going nowhere. That's why I think every BAT thread should have a disclaimer: if you're buying BAT to make a fortune, you're buying the wrong crypto, and you should sell now.

>> No.14974904 [View]
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>Kikes and/or retards.

No, I'm catholic and I'm a realist. The majority of American white women are indoctrinated to the point where they see nothing wrong with sleeping with many many partners before they settle down. In fact, they often purposely won't settle down UNTIL they've experience 10+ partners solely for the reason that they don't want to miss out on "life experience" or however they want to excuse it.

This is being indoctrinated into white American culture in a large part of the country. Not saying I agree with it or encourage it, but it's the truth.

If you want to be some naive ostrich, or maybe you're actually a virgin/unexperienced with white American girls, you cant ignore this and cry "KIKE!!!! RETARD!" -- that's fine, but you may end up marrying some white girl who has tricked you into thinking she's not a total slut, then one day you'll find out the mother of your kids had sex with 4 dudes at once in college as "life experience".

I know this shit because I've slept with lots of girls. You need to be patient to find a pure wife, your cards need to line up right. But I can guarantee most American white girls have HIGH numbers.

>> No.12358870 [View]
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You're absolutely clueless if you think hot LA girls wouldn't fuck a billionaire based entirely on his money.

Girls in LA would fuck a cactus if it starred in an 80's cult classic and had "connections". Stop pretending girls that live in places that matter (i.e. not flyover states) care about looks past the age of 20.

>> No.9603995 [View]
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There's nobody holding the "media" to any standards anymore. You can go post whatever the fuck you want online and if enough people read it, it becomes the """truth""".

Yet journalists still act all "holier-than-thou" and as if their fucking profession hasn't declined drastically over the past 2 decades. It's not remotely what it was back in the day. Writing a hit piece on Musk or Trump isn't fucking Watergate. 16 year olds can write a blog and throw it online and it'll attract more clicks and revenue than a NYT piece that took 2 months to research.

News is dead. Musk is upset or whatever and being a child but I despise all these fucking journalists pretending their job isn't to write the best clickbait they can, while pandering to whatever retarded fucking group their e-rag happens to be targeting that month.

>> No.9387266 [View]
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70% of /biz/ does not understand the significance of a low market cap. Upon posting this thread, a lot of those people are going to want to respond saying how marketcap is meaningless and how total coin supply means more than anything else in the world, even fundamentals. But please refrain from doing that, this thread is not for you.

My question is, if people actually understood the significance of market cap, how much more pumped up would ICX have gotten between now and yesterday?

>> No.7723502 [View]
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>dated a Brazilian
>she was manic pixie dream girl, "Summer"-esque from 500 Days of Summer

>dated Ecuadorian
>took her virginity, she was extremely innocent, religious, I treated her poorly but I was young and dumb

>dated a white girl
>she came from a wealthy family, perfect wife material but she had a mean-streak and her father as an asshole

>dated Colombian girl
>alcoholic, broken childhood, major issues but very sweet girl. But for her broken past, wife material

>dated Argentinian
>came from wealth, judged everyone, wanted me to move in but I was nowhere ready to commit so broke it off

And now I'm single and ruined for life with my only goal being make a million bucks off of magic internet money.

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