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>> No.58419981 [View]
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"yeah mah wedding ring is 14k gold but is worth more for its sentimental value kek"

>> No.58337457 [View]
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Had no clue what this trash was until I read base here >>58336695 and everything clicked instantly. I kinda pity base/solchads hysterically buying bottom of the barrel worthless shitcoins quickstarted by some con man in the middle east or whatever while I stake my satoshisync and bnb for free money and airdrops (even more free money).

>> No.58173556 [View]
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I had my share of scuffles with shitty managers and they are always the same, dying to be in control of anyone and when you come and put their shit into place they have to grumble like dogs in a kennel.

Kinda miss it.

>> No.58161023 [View]
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>Are you all insane?

who's not?

>> No.58085342 [View]
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maybe for you op, but I still have two wfh gigs, one 3 days a week and the other one 5 days a week. with almost no overlap only 4 hours per day. All I do in invest in crypto and reap profits.

>> No.58062618 [View]
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is eesee actually ever gonna make it out of testing?

>> No.57820840 [View]
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unlike most incels I dont need 6 figures stash, just enough to get weed and get by comfy. $super $jaz $eth and a fucking few of bored monkeys nfts, that's my stash.

>> No.57764420 [View]
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at least you invested into alts right? what about nfts? there are other markets ops besides, I'm already seeing profits from $SUPER LOL

I hope most of my alts dont die cuz if they do I'm ded

>> No.57747874 [View]
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Where do you actually get that info? did you read it on internet? google? somebody told you? literally read your shit again, there can't be more retardeness from you

>> No.57160496 [View]
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do you really think something lawfully banned in a third world shithole will stop them from trying to use it and profit from it? do you really think pajeets will stop getting hired as cheap shill workforce? kek

>> No.56966926 [View]
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No one with good judgment would invest money in AVAX today, it is much better to give long-term projects like XMR or LTC a chance. Ask anywhere, on telegram, on beoble, on discord, nobody is currently interested in avax.

>> No.52430905 [View]
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Fuck didnt expect that to get me hard. Ok heres all my money.

>> No.50248037 [View]
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