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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58454009 [View]
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holding about 3k worth, I honestly think it can go for a decent x15, as I think a sneeze is enough to make them go back to 0.31.
I got this shilled along with $super for some quick (next 2 months or so) stacking, so let's see how it goes.

>> No.58264425 [View]
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Someone give me a solana shitcoin to ape into please. Apu keeps pumping after I sold the bottom and I'm going to rope. I need to broaden my horizons with a whole new chain of shitcoins.

>> No.57821738 [View]
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would be a little north of 200k

>> No.56514049 [View]
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Got like 60 billion SHIB for ~$600 in an early /biz/ thread. Made out with like ~130k in profit, most of which I have wasted on living expenses the past few years (NEETing currently) and various shitcoins. If I held a little longer I could've made like ~4mm which could have saved me from wageslavery basically eternally. Or at least have given me enough "fuck you" money to not be forced into staying at soul sucking jobs. Every time I think about it, it makes me a little suicidal.

I also bought 1.2 million ticker: BITCOIN for $700 when it relaunched on ETH in May of this year. Sold for a 10x. Could've rebought since it flattened for a while, but I had 0 faith in the NFT project pumping it to the insane degree that it has. I should've known better desu. If I just held, that 1.2mm would've been worth around 200k right now. That one also still makes me seethe.

>> No.56162519 [View]
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Wake up DOBAGGIES your DOBAGS are going to zero! Top wallets are losing so much value soon there will be no value left!

>> No.56141461 [View]
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I can't believe I actually spent two thousand american dollars on FINE. I must be legitimately retarded.

>> No.54968876 [View]
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me too anon. I'm 31. save yourself.

>> No.54787415 [View]
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it's pumping so hard and I only have a 3.5 billy stack, I hate myself I could've gone all in while it was dumping for the past like 10 days

>> No.54668049 [View]
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Yes, although I don't think I have enough.
>t. 3.5 billion stacklet

>> No.54345811 [View]
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Because my life was kind of decent back then, was in school and had a gf as well as a job and thought I would just kind of figure shit out

>> No.54087734 [View]
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oh no

>> No.53486093 [View]
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Wish I doubled down on the dump
>tfw only in top 250

>> No.53410280 [View]
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I saw this shit getting shilled here at a penny why didn't I buyed

>> No.53322381 [View]
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Dammit I've been waiting to re renter SHIB for months, I go on vacation for two weeks and it starts to pop again

>> No.52970173 [View]
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Fuck, I definitely thought there was gonna be a large dump at .05 and was gonna buy a bag :( it's north of 7 cents now kek

>> No.51047123 [View]
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>Rent's going up from $1100 to $1400 at renewal
>Need a 3.3% raise at review time just to break even
>Homes cost like $600k bare minimum and I'd need to save for another few years for a down payment
How does anyone who makes less than $100k even live? I don't even have kids or travel or do anything really.

>> No.29155846 [View]
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I fucked up, badly.

>> No.23364135 [View]
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>holding leveraged ETFs
>holding levied ETFs into a contested election
cutting is a cheaper form of self harm

I'm not saying go cash for the next couple months, I'm saying you can deal with 2 weeks of inflation. Those psychos are going to try and provote trump ppl from voting at least enough times for it to get videoed, and put onto the news, and it will be contested. Markets don't react to police protest freak outs as its an almost seasonal occurrence at this point every time the weather warms up in the US. It is expected and priced in. A confidence crisis isn't. It could very well be the actual catalyst bears have been looking for, one with meet on its bones.

I highly doubt that people are going to be holding through the sound of ruber bullets and molotovs going off outside their windows in major cities.

Or maybe it'll all be fine. But anyone serious about investing can take that risk. 2 weeks at a 3% loss is better than losing half your portfolio if shit hits the fan and the bears finally have what they need to get the blood flowing.

>> No.22450197 [View]
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>> No.16529283 [View]
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>> No.6022285 [View]
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/biz/ newfag /nocoin/ reporting in.

Someone please shoot me some tips or point me in a general direction of where to get started. There's too much bullshit when doing Google searches.

Just a poorfag wanting a piece of this

>> No.3107013 [View]
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>/biz/ tells me that SIGT is going to the moon
>buy in at 4800 sats
>it immediately starts dropping
>hodl for a week hoping it'll go back up
>sell at 1200 sats because I don't want to lose anymore money
>it immediately starts mooning

>> No.2987143 [View]
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>there are people in this very thread currently hodling less than 100,000 siggies

>> No.2534365 [View]
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>hodl, they said
>you'll go to the moon, they said

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