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>> No.55975943 [View]
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2017 meme reporting in

>> No.54597600 [View]
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>> No.53426342 [View]
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>USDs ID and dubs
>42 ID and trips
>Kek check dubs
insanely blessed. I believe in an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God, there is no such thing as coincidence in my frame of reference.

>> No.50220170 [View]
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I never doubted him for a single second. Look at the narcissists of crypto, the Hoskinsons, the Emin Gun Sirers, the Dominic Williams, look at how fucking embarrassing they are, parading around their inflated egos, arguing with naysayers, such delicate little boys behind their veneer of conceit.
Then look at our Philosopher Godking. The Quiet Educator. The Plaid Ascetic. Purely committed to realizing a lifetime vision. No swagger, no interpersonal bickering, no faltering from his laser like focus on the prize.
He makes holding Chainlink so fucking easy.

>> No.28199401 [View]
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the breakout is imminent

>> No.26134015 [View]
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>> No.25202866 [View]
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>> No.25045514 [View]
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I didn't buy in September 2017 and hold through the craziest online experience of my life just to sell like some faggot for $50 in 2021.

>> No.24738858 [View]
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Fair enough, doing God's work anon.

>> No.24526064 [View]
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There's literally no reason to have excited breadcrumb discussions about LINK any more, because it's all out in the open, so for LINK oldfags who've been discussing it for 3 years already most of us are just lurking.
On top of that big exciting projects that launch today usually have WAY more attention and fanfare than LINK had at launch, so we can't even have secret club breadcrumb discussions about those either.
When a good bit of Chainlink news comes out the discussions are still good and the oldfags are clearly still here, but in between those moments there's just a lot less to talk about in general. Waiting on Chainlink, waiting on Arbitrum, waiting on The Graph...

>> No.24004735 [View]
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based old content. they were good times.

>> No.23937279 [View]
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But having said all that, there is still a huge amount of room for more toolkits/ functionalities/ higher parts of the stack being decentralised and running on a similar token ecosystem as Chainlink.

The Graph is the best example of this so far. Indexing is unbelievably useful, proven already in the form of billions of calls a month, and transferring that into a token ecosystem where participants stake the token to participate and are penalised for incorrect behaviour, is one of the best native use cases for a token out there.

But beyond The Graph, I think there is a pretty straightforward checklist for assessing the best opportunities in crypto:
1) Base level protocols which provide a core functionality to a mature smart contract ecosystem (oracles, indexing, etc)
2) Blockchain agnostic, so they not only sidestep any contention happening in the L1 space, but have market coverage across whatever the L1 is doing at the time, whether it's a monopoly or a functional competitive market
3) A strong intrinsic token use, with the "pay with the token to play, lose your token if you don't participate honestly, win more if you do" being one of the best structures for this around.

If this is what you're keeping your eye out for, I think you'll be very well placed. FWIW I think Chainlink is an absolute behemoth that may not be paralleled by many if not any projects down the line, but The Graph tier opportunities are still immensely attractive investment options.

If you skip ahead 5 years and your portfolio is made up of blockchain agnostic tools that facilitate mature smart contracts on any L1, you will be very well positioned no matter how the L1 scramble pans out.

>> No.22076259 [View]
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Extremely based. Good to see some old heads still around.

>> No.21350282 [View]
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Do complement link do I buy PNK, RSR or XSN.
Thanks for the help frens

>> No.21299702 [View]
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every day we glide closer to the light

>> No.21157727 [View]
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All the real chads were all-in LINK before AB made his first post.

>> No.20973732 [View]
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Still cant believe people loaded up the presale pools when they got leaked. They even got refunded where they went over the limit.
I remember one 300ETH pool the person posting said "don't put too much in so more people can get involved" and one anon dumped 150 ETH in there straight after :/

>> No.20892367 [View]
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I bought LINK in September 2017 and watched it lose 90% of its sat value in November/December.
It went from over 10k sats to 1300, wicking down to 1000 at one point. There was no news from the team, no updates, no roadmap, no hype, and this was at a time when nearly every crypto project was doing weekly community updates, hype conferences etc.
I held because I had read the whitepaper, and watched an Ari Juels talk at IC3 (that had <500 views at the time) and discussed it to death with my /biz/bros.
That's how strong your hands have to be. Obsessively, delusionally strong.

>> No.20364479 [View]
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been here since the olden days

>> No.18948023 [View]
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I will forever look at 2017 on /biz/ as one of the great little moments of my life. Remember when you could anonymously release a 4 page whitepaper with "masternodes" and a "roadmap" and get a valuation in the hundreds of millions? What a time to be alive haha.
I remembered a random shitcoin the other day DigitalNote (XDN) that used to be in the top 100. At the height of the bullrun it had a FIVE HUNDRED MILLION dollar market cap. What the absolute fuck lmao.

>> No.18066825 [View]
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Remember these times?

>> No.17702515 [View]
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Imagine being in the middle of a global economic hubbub and the magic internet cube you've put all your money in just sits happily at 20x what you paid for it.

>> No.17553049 [View]
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we know

>> No.17489332 [View]
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On the one hand every single asset class on the planet besides LINK seems shaky as fuck.
On the other hand LINK is literally the most exciting investment that has ever existed.
And it's only this pit of retards who actually know.

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