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>> No.54842091 [View]
File: 120 KB, 720x957, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the field, depends on the focus of the group you join within that discipline, depends on what you want to do with your B.S that you think you can't do without more schooling. Give details, anon.

Generally, if you're really cut out for it and your degree isn't worthless, you should be getting paid (poorly) to pursue your PhD. Taking on debt to get a masters in dance theory instead of a BA in it is retarded. You are giving up between 4-6 years of earning potential by going for more school. If you already have a decently paying job and family to take care of, quitting to go back to school is exponentially harder.

You don't even know what graduate students do,do you? No one here talked about going into academia. The vast majority of PhD holders are in non-university jobs, if you can believe it.

>> No.53947851 [View]
File: 120 KB, 720x957, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, I wish they took children's phones away at school.

I was wrong, actually 80% of millionaires in the USA credit their deferred retirement accounts with most of their wealth. The Most common occupations for millionaires are engineer, accountant, teacher, manager, and attorney. You may notice that CEO, hedgefund guru, day trader, and medical doctor didn't make the list. Additionally, 62% graduated from a state or public university. 79% of millionaires received absolutely zero inheritance from anyone. Only 8.8% of US adults are millionaires; 76% of them are non-hispanic white.

You are like the nearly 2/3 of retarded eternal-underclass Americans that honestly believe the lottery is their best chance of dying a millionaire. Hell you probably don't even know what 2.5 million net looks like: Its a paid down home with an indestructible Japanese econo-box car, and enough invested in the system so that the dividends pay as much as your job. Money is earned every day, but wealth only really starts to accrue once you have minimized your expenses, from housing to insurance. And then when you die, you have set your affairs in order so that the wealth you earned kickstarts the process for the next generation.

You all want to be dynastically rich, and but none of you want to be the founding patriarch, which would be sad if it didn't put my kids at such a huge advantage.

>> No.53569256 [View]
File: 120 KB, 720x957, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this is the nicest way I can, but are you unfamiliar with how gold and silver have their prices set? In all commodity markets where contracts are traded, there are a few more contracts representing that tanker of oil or boxcar of wheat than really exist. This is okay in that it allows markets to function with less friction, but in the PM markets for "Some Strange Reason (TM)" there are orders of magnitude more contracts for silver and gold traded than there are contracts worth of the metals produced. This means that instead of the underlying commodity setting the spot price, the derivative instrument gets to set the price of the underlying commodity. Its retarded, I know.

As long as there is a physical supply available with COMEX or LBMA this can continue, and JPM can make regular orders to take physical delivery on some of the futures contracts they purchased, while using the other 98% of contracts to manipulate price.

>> No.28922279 [View]
File: 121 KB, 720x957, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly going the legal vice route is probably the best suggestion. I'm about to finish my PhD. in a couple of months, and while I've applied to some national lab jobs, I'm also looking to get on at a larger brewery, distillery, or get in on the analytical side of weed.

Vice industries are the last things to close in an economic downturn, and anyone that thinks that the economy is going anywhere but the toilet is fucking high.

>> No.22192631 [View]
File: 121 KB, 720x957, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read enough early Christian writers until you almost become Orthodox, go to church, and realize that the girls that look like models never had to develop a personality and are the most encouraged by the culture to whore around. If you're bright, consider trolling the classics or STEM graduate students for 7/10 women. Get into beer brewing, or bee keeping, or lifting, or food pantry volunteering, or any fucking thing but just fucking around on this site. Be something worth giving up freedom for. Be a catch.

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