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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59898996 [View]
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>autistic beta males
>he says while posting anime
Self-hating autistic beta males are the worst

>> No.59642177 [View]
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>> No.59184052 [View]
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We just broke through total crypto market cap ATH and these are all the OOOOs we can get?
Head is being shaken

>> No.57904561 [View]
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>make a lot of money on an investment
>feel nothing
>lose a lot of money on an investment
>feel nothing

>> No.57788617 [View]
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When others are greedy normies like you don't make threads like this

>> No.54756104 [View]
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Why isn't that font black

>> No.54532821 [View]
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You're on /biz/ and you managed to come up with a job that brings you no money at all. You could've been blackmailing them but /biz/ always finds a way to make no money

>> No.54320044 [View]
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> businessman with massive interest and bias towards bitcoin predics the price will go up

>> No.52539157 [View]
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>thing happens
>tourists flood /biz/
>they get bored with the thing
>they stare at tether for a week waiting for it to collapse
>they leave

>> No.51603834 [View]
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>when those results come in
Is this guy for real

>> No.51486908 [View]
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Explain to me why XRP won't reach $2000

>> No.51329137 [View]
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You're spamming this as if we're not a dead bear market board. I've read this 3 times now

>> No.50538482 [View]
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Japanese volcano just cummed how do we price it in

>> No.50517355 [View]
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he doesnt know this fren, he still continues to post this daily!

>> No.50231442 [View]
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Sir we expect a higher quality of posts here on /biz/ please do better

>> No.49986030 [View]
File: 7 KB, 200x160, pepe-suit-reading-glasses-sideburns-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in us army corps of engineers
>get practically unlimited funds to fix water problem
>construct saltwater desalination plant
>construct pipelines to distribute clean water across the country
problem solved

>> No.49856598 [View]
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I'm this thread we devise new taxes our over leveraged governments may use to scrape up the interest payments on their debt.
>Email Value Tax
>Each year Assessors calculate the fair market price of an email, and all senders must pay a 100% tax on the valuation of all emails they sent the previous year.

>> No.49670647 [View]
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>not "Buddy look at european gas computer"

>> No.49494168 [View]
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>fuck you for portraying Ukrainians as unhinged schizos who tell strangers to kill themselves
>also kill yourself, stranger

>> No.49319231 [View]
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Snap out of it man you're a 30+ year old male and you're still culture warring

>> No.49286160 [View]
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And I'm a very good gambler

>> No.29989065 [View]
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Someone should make a protocol in which multiple assets can be swapped into one assets or even a variety of them, for which you decide the ratio. Is this possible or practical? It seems like it would save money on fees if you could just check multiple boxes of what you want to sell and similarly of what you want to buy. I guess the umbrella term for this would be “joint orders”. Highly complex but more efficient and cost effective than individual transactions, no?

>> No.29047717 [View]
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hey frenz, i have both crypto and stock. should i focus on just crypto or should i keep going with both?

>> No.28603527 [View]
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>because Avalanche chain already works like it was designed to be

It was meant to be full of bugs?

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