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>> No.56572341 [View]
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Anon, what the heck happened? I was too deep in the Brillion Open Beta, chasing after those juicy airdrops. Spill the beans, Faggot.

>> No.55788261 [View]
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Anon can't stop talking self-custody for BTC, but nah, not buying it. I handed my cash to a CEX, same way I trust my bank. It's my dough after all. No trust for Pajeet vibes here.

>> No.55536832 [View]
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I can't offer anons any advise. I kept my participation in the DUA/NXERA joined liquidity mining campaign for huge rewards to myself.

>> No.55435880 [View]
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Jeet, the combination of AI and DePINs will be enormous. This allows the 10,000s of cars, robots, and gadgets on dApps/DePIN in the DOT and ATOM ecosystems to interact via AI agents.

>> No.55422669 [View]
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Argue with your keyboard, anon. Polka ecosystem is the ideal platform for building DePIN, focusing on security, interoperability, and scalability.

>> No.55372666 [View]
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And if normies can't get a robust smart wallet with self-custody and self-identity, he'll be in big peril, newfag. A wallet built using NexeraID might be the solution for oldfag like myself.

>> No.55303113 [View]
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I keep emphasizing that the potential of DePIN is so great that it has the ability to disrupt the traditional ones.

>> No.55291535 [View]
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Decentralization without a DAO is like to handing Pajeet a lambo without a key. With DAO, I can assure that I have a stake in the game and a say in decision-making, Anon.

>> No.55228291 [View]
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Buying and storing on exchanges that Pajeets is monitoring is akin to spitting on the White House, Anon. Allow me to have a smart wallet and ID solution powered by NexeraID that will give an oldfag like me complete control over my DiD, assets, and privacy first and foremost.

>> No.55214550 [View]
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Trezor yes! Degen like myself had to pick a smart wallet and identity solution that would give me total control over my digital identity, assets, and privacy.

>> No.55173429 [View]
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I hope you get a second opportunity, OP, and always learn from your mistakes. I'll do the same when I have the chance, especially since BrillionFi intends to address the crypto wallet issue and management.

>> No.54928642 [View]
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Degens always used DCA on huge caps. It's a no-brainer for oldfags like me to look at decentralized identity solutions like ORE, which allow even newfags to use blockchain with ease.

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