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>> No.11073951 [View]
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I'm 25. Is it reasonable for me to invest my time and effort into building mastery of Java, Python, C (and variants), database management and seek to acquire certifications once I am sufficiently well versed? Is getting the degree truly so important? Won't certs and practical experience/portfolio prove more than a degree?

I feel like at my age going to school is moot. I've found a surprising degree of focus and drive when I picked up these studies and I've effectively been able, without forcing myself, to dedicate my free hours at home to it, studying for days at a time. I don't think motivation and laziness is a problem now that I've cut out vidya for the foreseeable future.

Is school really that important?

>> No.11021080 [View]
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You seem like a decently adjusted and empathic person. Seeing the mounting sorrow and accumulating wall of regret as they begin to realize they squandered their value is deeply unsettling, I agree. To not feel sad for them, seeing them in such a state and feel nothing at all is inhuman. But the key remains to not let your empathy overpower you. They must contend with their own life choices.

The consequences are none but their own to carry. Taking this burden off their shoulders is directly contributing to the issue by validating their erronous ways.

This is unwise as fuck my man. The more sexual partners a woman has, the less capable and even willing they will become at forming emotional bonds with a partner. If she has had 50 dicks in her teens and twenties, intimacy will no longer mean anything to her.

She will be much more prone to wandering astray and putting her feelings before anything else, even family and children. This is precisely why the no/low experience young waifu meme is a thing.

Wife them young, before the modern hypergamous and uberconsumerist feelgood metropolitan lifestyle sinks it's claws in her soul. If she forms a deep bond and remains content in a relationship, she will center her priorities around the family and close community ties rather than the chaos of unravelling said social fabric.

>> No.7378530 [View]
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It's not like people are unaware. Problem is how to get the population down in a way that retains as much of the developed, educated and thus already slow breeding people. It's horrible to say it, but the street shitting, tribal warring, wholly uneducated and illiterate masses from third world countries are unnecessary. Yet they are the ones who outbreed everyone else.

The logical solution would be discreet soft genocide via chemical/hormonal mechanisms. But who wants that? Who could shoulder the burden of that position?

We need intelligent, rational engineers, scientists, agriculturalists, arborists, medical personnel, psychologists etc, not the average tribal grunt in a savannah with an AK. Humanity needs the astronomers, physicists, materials and chemical engineers, the mathematicians, not the opioid addled Afghanistani villager who fucks little boys.

Hell, even the laborers of our brighter future will have to have a high baseline of general intelligence. The average worker in a technophilic meritocracy would ideally also be smart, creative and autonomous to a high degree, productive at work and at home.

The low birthrates were supposed to be offset by automation of menial labor as communities are left with more and more time and money to seek higher fields of education and generally enjoy lives more, producing an unprecedented level of general wellbeing. It was not supposed to be the death knell for developed civilizations via mass immigration and destabilization.

Shit has gone very wrong.

>> No.7172673 [View]
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Was it that same dev dude who chimed in on his disgust at people becoming "the new financial elite just because they bought years earlier"?

I fucking hate that guy.

>> No.7077569 [View]
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This was extremely unsettling to read because I see a carbon copy of myself in this.

I'm good looking, not dumb, charismatic enough that I've never felt uncomfortable in social situations but if there's one thing that summarizes me as a person the best is fucking gaming.

Been gaming since I was a child and continue to do so today, often into early hours. Getting up on a day off, planting my ass firmly behind my desk and gaming away the entire day is nothing for me. The worst part is I haven't been bothered by this one bit so far. I too finally picked up comp sci studies after military service (which was a hugely welcome change of pace for my otherwise mundane life before then), but then i discovered crypto and was utterly consumed by it to the point that I effectively flunked out of school. And again I was not particularily worried.

I'm becoming plenty fucking scared of my own apathy now. It also manifests in my overall emotional profile aswell, I believe. I often find myself not really giving much of a damn about he things and people around me. It's like some sort of disconnect. I CARE, but not to the extent a well adjusted person would, I think. I dunno.

I've increasingly begun to grow into a weird subdued hatred of myself with each passing day, while at the same time remaining generally content because I have had no real, pressing need to start to radically change anything.

I despise what I have become but I have barely even found it in me to get up and enact change. So I just game away without any future in sight to speak of. Is this somehow related to the societal malaise and nihilism taking root in our societies nowadays? Overstimulated youths growing up into desensitized adults? Fucking hell, I need to take my life into my own hands before I wake up in a 1 room flat one day, 40, minimum wage and childless...

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