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>> No.50615269 [View]
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WFH software dev checking in. I wrote a unit test about an hour ago and just approved a pull request so I think that's enough for today.

>> No.50613816 [View]
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>How is this shit possible?
Kek wills it. LUNC threads are always blessed with digits.

>> No.50464257 [View]
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Welp the 10am meeting is over. Now it's time again to sit on the porch with my coffee and shitpost on /biz/. Maybe next I'll have a wank and a nap before making myself a nice lunch. Now that the markets are rallying a bit I should be able to make a few decent trades by this afternoon. What are you all doing today? And what do you feel more toward NEETs and wagies? Contempt or pity?

>> No.50458207 [View]
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I take it as a good sign. LUNC going full baboona is not good for 2UNA fags since it takes all attention away from Do Kwon's shitty second rugpull. They are desperately trying to make everyone who buys LUNC seem like complete retards. Which maybe we are, but the fudding has gotten completely ridiculous in the past few days. They tend to shut up immediately when you start telling them about how you put your lunch money into it in May, already cashed out your initial, or bring up how you're never buying their shitty 2UNA coin.

>> No.50438773 [View]
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>Please tell me WAGMI
WAGMI. I've been into shitcoins before and it's been nothing like this. Something going on almost daily. An actual update on the horizon. People who completely refuse to give into the FUD and sell their bags. We're legitimately into something early here boys. Our degenerate gamble is actually going to pay off and we will actually be free.

>> No.50427637 [View]
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Checked and a noble goal. We will get there by EOY fren.

>> No.50368034 [View]
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This is some very good momentum and I'm very happy about it, but realistically it will probably dump back down to about .00010 at least within the next week or so. I don't think the big one is here just yet.

>> No.50299464 [View]
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Yep probably the last chance for the rate of 1M LUNC/$100. Just slurped an additional 2M LUNC.

>> No.50227003 [View]
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I'm a WFH software engineer so I get paid 6 figures to work maybe 8 hours a week and stream shows during meetings a few times a day. Pretty comfy.

>> No.50218197 [View]
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As a 20M LUNC stacker, yes my freind, wagmi.

>> No.50214127 [View]
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It helps if you use the downtime as a reward for spending some time being productive. As a software dev the expectations are based on how long it would take a pajeet to get something done. So many times I will get an estimate that something will take 2 weeks to complete and I can get it done in one day's worth of work. That means I can either spend one day being productive and fuck off for the remaining two weeks or spread it out over a few days. I just feel much better slacking knowing that I can pull the work that was supposed to be done out of my ass at a moment's notice if some higher-up starts pushing for it.

>> No.50161163 [View]
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I will retire at 30 with my 20M LUNC stack

>> No.50158313 [View]
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BRISE. Thank me later.

>> No.50145140 [View]
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BRISE. Thank me later.

>> No.50079821 [View]
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Always refreshing to see men of such refined taste on this board.

>> No.50038478 [View]
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Checked but dude fuck no. 10M LUNC is absolutely a make it stack if this shit goes to $1, or even 50c. But there's a strong chance this will dump hard again before even getting close to that so just keep your shit where it is so you're not tempted to rope in that event.
How does $500k-1M sound as long as you have the balls to hodl?

>> No.50034582 [View]
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For me it's BRISE and QOM. Got a really good feeling about these two. Also have a few mill LUNC for the lulz.

>> No.49929673 [View]
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If you have an oscillating fan you can tie your mouse to that.

>> No.49879610 [View]
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Make an nft to rugpull jeets with

>> No.49877504 [View]
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My fiance is Indian and her ass has gotten YUGE. I love seeing my BWC getting squeezed between those massive jiggly brown mounds and then watching my creampie erupt from her dark, meaty lips. Especially when I oil up her ass I could coom in like 3 seconds.

>> No.49853832 [View]
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I did it when I was 11. That was before YouTube and the best I had were the "For Dummies" books. Pick a language you want to learn and just go through a YouTube playlist and join the comfy wfh software dev master race.

>> No.49754483 [View]
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Miraculously sold almost everything in Feb and now starting to DCA back in. Feels bretty good.

>> No.49748141 [View]
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BRISE. Buy a billi stack for like $350 today and thank me in a year.

>> No.49629343 [View]
File: 105 KB, 331x327, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and i thank them for their service

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