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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.22737784 [View]
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Yeah, I'm thinking of sniping the QBs once the crash is over, depending on how far Silver goes back down; I'd uniroincally put them above Gold in the conext of a long-term investment; the only Silver coins I can think of right now that come close to their long-term collectability are the coronacoins.

Great, so just FUDding combined with completely normal market behaviour. It'll be over soon at the very least; I reckon when the bongs go on second lockdown we'll see a global jump back up anyways (even if it's a small one, it'll be back to crabbing where we were at the very least), people can't just ignore London Stock essentially going under for a second time.

>normalfaggots are waking up
No Anon, that's the classic sign that the mission's about to take off. If you've been in /pmg/ for any set of time, you should know that the greatest market indicator of a spike is when John the Taxi Driver starts talking about PMs

I guess it's easier to see the market as a vacuous number that goes up and down than it is something actually tied to the real world; people miss that quie a bit it seems.

>> No.22192709 [View]
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Very excited PANbro, Gold's fnally starting to enter the Defaulted stage, Silver is soon. Autumn and Winter is gonna be fun, especially as aerial AIDS ramps up on top.

I'd say stay in Silver, ignore Gold since it's fast approaching the point where it's too late desu. Gold's been something for stacking while the economy isn't in open crashing stage; and furthermore you're not really at a stack size to which I'd say diversification is too much of a priority (my general advising rule before the coronacrash was for your first diversification into the opposite metal when you're at 1oz/100oz G or S; then your second diversifiaction into a tertiay metal like Plat, Pall or Copp at when you're at 10oz+1000oz G+S)
As for what to do, get a single Kraken if you want it for keepsakes (a lot of people do it here with their coronacoins), but otherwise just shave it as close to spot as possible with any globally recognised mint; with the sole exeption of if you're a bong/from another country which has captial gains exemptions on its' currency; at which point it's usually worth spending a tad bit more in the long run to go all in on your currency and thus get out of paying any tax.

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