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>> No.57926298 [View]
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I have many vices, but I'm glad smoking, alcohol, weed, and drugs were never any of them. I feel lucky I find alcohol disgusting. It's absolutely repulsive, I hate the taste, let alone the perception of me drinking at all. It's truly fucked up that so much shit is legal in the US.

>> No.57898664 [View]
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As someone who got fat at 20 and didn't lose all my weight until 26 (went from 220 to 150 at 5'11 over 5 months). Literally find a meal that deeply satisfies you that isn't loaded with carbs and is more protein heavy and eat that twice a day with some coffee and you will lose everything fast. I ate 1300 calories every day for 5 months or about 22 weeks and lost all my fat. The key is to eat something you look forward to and don't get bored of. You can lose weight eating literal taco bell, as long as you have a major calories deficit, you WILL lose weight. If you combine it with exercise, you will have an even bigger calorie deficit. Weigh yourself almost every day, it becomes your dopamine rush rather than eating something tasty. You need to supplement you addiction to food with other addictive things that are actually positive. You basically need to trick your brain for however long you need to lose weight. It gets MUCH easier after the first 2 weeks. Once you hit a month, it just begins to snowball. Just start, it's always worth it. I went into a nursing program right after I lost all my weight and I got hit on aggressively and fucked 3 girls over 2 years regularly and from that point on, I vowed to never be fat again. Still kept the weight off many years later.

Meanwhile, my sister who took ozempic is fucked up and her blood sugar is out of control now. You could try ozempic, it works for a lot of people, but the people who complain that their body just wont lose fat are just fucking lazy and lying to themselves like the mentally sick fucks they are. Calorie In Calorie Out works for EVERYONE, unless you have hypothyroidism.

>Calorie deficit, now, start today

>> No.57822734 [View]
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They unleashed their supply like a complete scam shit coin. Dumped the coin to practically nothing (.003 cents). Now it pumped and normies don't understand marketcap at all and think it can go back to $5. It'll go to 6 cents max, which would give it a multi-billion dollar marketcap, but the functionality of the coin is a complete meme. OMG coin level scam, Japs are twisted, look at their murder cases

>> No.57717509 [View]
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I went back to school at 25 for nursing after NEETing for 9 years (got GED), did it for 6 months at 27 1/2 and became suicidal, went back to school again at 28, got a job in tech at 29 making 25/hr. Now I'm 35 and making 6 figs and fucking a hot girl, finally away from toxic family who put me down and made me feel like shit all the time, I lived in it for so long I thought it was normal.

You're 20 and likely trolling, but life is just starting for you. Just go do something now, anything. Just try it out. The worst thing you could do is sit in front of your computer all die, doom scrolling and/or playing games, watching shows. Just do something and meet people. If anyone ever gives you shit or doubts you, you should take it personally and distance yourself from them, they are not you, they don't have your best interests in mind, do you.

>> No.57632754 [DELETED]  [View]
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Social phobia is gay, go outside and stop being afraid. I once saw a severely autistic, fat, creepy guy with glasses hit on a 9/10 girl at target and I can't even remember his face. People don't give a shit about anything except themselves. Social anxiety is extreme narcissism in disguise, you want to be viewed in a positive light so badly that you refuse to go outside and risk the chance of someone thinking poorly of you. Just stop, no one cares. If I see an old 50 year old guy working at Target and maybe for a brief moment think he's a loser, but then I ask him for help and he's actually nice, my entire opinion of him changes and I wish him the best. People are generally like this, just be relentlessly positive and try to have fun. Life isn't so serious, you could die next week.

>> No.57260211 [View]
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It's so over.

>> No.55310696 [View]
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>people fall for the "you fell for the "l2code" meme" meme
Many such cases... If people are fudding, it's probably a good career.

>> No.53539844 [View]
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It could be worse, you could be incredibly smart and still be a failure. I destroyed Calculus I, II and differential equations I & II with a 99% in all 4 classes before I was 19. The professor was so shocked how easy it came to me, he pushed for me to work as a tutor at the college for advanced math which paid $24/hr. He encouraged me to become a Math professor one day and I said it didn't interest me and now I work for barely above min. wage working along side people who can't do basic algebra in my late 20s. My life is a joke, but I don't feel sorry for myself, I'm just dumbfounded how it got this bad. I'm probably going to go into a profession which is also filled with insufferable idiots because I don't have any will power to pursue something more at my level.

Flashcards. That's the secret to almost everything. You can brute force information into your head at lightning speed and retain the information for a year+. The most mundane things in life can be solved with 10-20 flashcards. I had 50 flashcards for my entire statistics class and I got a 104% on that, probably 8 hours of studying total. The rest of the time I was trying to bang some Taiwanese slut in my class (I did).

Not necessarily true, I'd say mental illness is the great filter, you could be extremely gifted and still fail at life.

Based, nepotism is the great god of the world.

>> No.53353002 [View]
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INTJs are the cool nerds, they can get along with a lot of people once they open up, generally are successful and/or make it eventually.

ENTJs are obnoxious but know how to play the game, end up very successful or at least have the potential to be.

ENTPs are powerhouses, run the show, a bit outwardly autistic, but it's endearing to people.

INTPs are at the worst fuck ups, drug addicts, complete failures who found a world to escape to, at best, they create entirely new metas, ways of thinking, profit engines. They are absolutely godlike at new things that everyone else is afraid to do because they thrive in situations where everyone else is too intimidated by something. Putting them down and saying they CAN'T do something turns them into gigabrain chads and they'll do the impossible just to prove a point out of sheer pettiness. INTPs are the person you fucked with 20 years ago that finds some miraculously, disturbingly unique way to fuck with your life. They play the long game and are the masters of it. They are the worst and best humanity has to offer. INTPs regardless of success in life, are the anti-thesis of NPC, they question everything. Life is probability to them.

>> No.52960693 [View]
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LEX SUCKING DICK ON THE STREETS IN 1 YEAR. What a fucking based timeline

>> No.51520891 [View]
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Older cousin who was the black sheep of his family went to a degree mill online college for computer science at 36, everyone looked down on him. Graduated at 38 while working retail full-time, landed a job paying 85k/year as a SWE, He's 42 now and makes 170k/year, all of his family tries to talk to him like they always believed in him, he ghosted everyone except me and a few others, basically said he'd help me find a job if I ever pursued CS. He's banging some hot 24 year old now who is a nurse. He made it, the key was that he got filled with incomprehensible rage and it lit a fire under his ass. To be fair he was really intelligent, but unmotivated and severely depressed, but his parents were out to lunch 24/7, didn't give a fuck about his future.

Had another cousin who wasn't too bright, went back to Nursing school at 32, he's a travel nurse now at 36 and makes bank.

Just do it, make sure you're pursuing something that WILL lead to a pay raise or good career. A lot of faggots here are just NEETs or failures that want to drag others down. Commit to something OP and see it through.

>> No.50646181 [View]
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I don't know why retarded faggots are attacking you when you only asked a question. It has to do with game theory, morality, trading psychology, playing odds, demoralization, what money is, debt avoidance and usage, teamwork, trust and it drops a few black pills too. It's pretty amazing and it's pretty bleak. Season 2 is a bit silly and less introspective, but still good. Akagi is good too, but less thought-provoking and more entertaining, it has more to do with conviction, foresight and learning how to be confident.

>> No.49531674 [View]
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Hedge against your bets or try to make up for losses holding by catching a knife and getting a ludicrous long trade, effectively lowering your buy in, it's simple. Doesn't mean this can't crash to 20k.

>> No.24906041 [View]
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Is Kraken the only place I can margin trade BTC?

I just want to do 5x max so I'm ready to drop 50k and long the fuck out of BTC when it dips again.

Any other exchanges you guys would recommend?

I live in faggot liberal California if that matters, I know they're complete trash cans when it comes to regulation.

>> No.24905952 [View]
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>shits all over the pussy pass and the nigger card

absolutely based and our guy confirmed

>> No.24701461 [View]
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if I buy tesla calls and puts at the same time it should crab until expiry date right?

>> No.24692401 [View]
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Just found out I have an IQ of 91. What the fuck am I supposed to do now I'm a confirmed brainlet, bros? I'm ngmi

>> No.24677596 [View]
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What's it all for, bros?

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