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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55997591 [View]
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Don't forget a lot of their loans has a maturity date of fuckin forever (from my perspective at least, not the companies' of course) so they've got more than enough time to pay them back.

Also, thanks for the (you)s everyone. It is always too easy to bait with ultra-bullish sentiments. The truth is that companies have managed better than expected despite this "difficult economic situation" (which quite truly isn't all that difficult for large/mega caps). Everyone expected them to go down the shitter and for normies and companies around the world to tighten their pockets but that hasn't happened. The buying power is still there. Normie spending has stagnated at almost ATH (which is fuckin crazy to me but whatever... I guess they have too much money... where they get them from and how sustainable that is, who knows?)
Just look at the expectations. They have been artificially lowered for most companies this year and I believe they will keep lowering them even next year as the lagging effects of rates will finally show their true colors.

>> No.55937774 [View]
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Yesterday has proven that NVDA is king and there is no denying that. They significantly improved their finances through careful planning, management, and decisive innovation. And they got handsomely rewarded for it.
Sure m8, JPow decides the market... which is why the market is close to ATH.
JPow's main goal is to make sure the gaps between classes gets bigger and bigger, and to ensure mega caps have access to significantly better loans (like those frickin zero interest loans they got their hands on). The central bank was literally created to ensure a steady inflation to drive up profits, m8.

>> No.55927034 [View]
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True, but the gaming segment barely matters anymore. Most of the revenue comes from data centers, research centers, and such. The true money lies in their AI cards where they have an insane margin.
The gap only becomes bigger and bigger with each passing year. NVDA is utterly stomping AMD and it's not even funny. Now? Unless AMD pulls of some voodoo magic, I cannot see them compete with NVDA on any level whatsoever.
The bullish sentiment is back. There is so much money in the market now that it needs to go somewhere, anywhere. Big investors are pumping up tech because tech creates the most money for them. It marks the resilience and return of the US tech sector

>> No.55872737 [View]
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Pray tell me why there would be a massive crash in the US industry sector, especially in tech?
Low PPI, high core inflation, nice profits, generous wage and wage raises, can dictate prices because of no competition, a lot of debt obtained either during ZIRP policy and a lot of debt which is set to mature far in the future so mega caps are generally less affected by the "high" rates.
Sure, we might see a bit of bearishness but overall I just cannot see a crash happening.

>> No.55860363 [View]
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China has been crashing for the past 10 years. China doesn't move the markets as much as the bozos here think it does. It does provide a nice excuse though.
A healthy correction was in order of course after this massive bull run. Will it continue? No-one knows and anyone claiming otherwise is a hack

>> No.55842432 [View]
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That was Apple's earnings. It ain't moving anymore
US stonks are extremely strong because investors are extremely strong and there is no counterargument to that. Sure, the lower classes are suffering but who cares about those? Everyone that actually matters either has too much money or re-financed their mortgages during Covid and now are living on 2 ez mode

>> No.55832049 [View]
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The bad news applies only to the lower classes (i.e., low middle class and below). The upper classes (i.e., the majority of the money in the markets) have come out winners these last couple of years... especially those that own their property and re-financed during Covid (the amount they saved more than easily outdid inflation). Rentoids and new generations getting houses and mortgages are of course getting fugged hard, but they mean nothing in the eyes of the market.
The market has long since become a place for the rich to become exponentially richer. The market will dip a bit because DXY going parabolic again is bearish in short-term. But in the end there is no stopping this giga-strong bull that the US market is
Just relax, buy the dips, and you will outdo 99% of investors

>> No.55789024 [View]
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True but still, you could buy a simple index fund and easily retire within 10 years. It's crazy how quickly the market went parabolic. I guess they realized that the best way to become even richer is to pump, pump, and keep pumping the markets. The free stimulus provided by the central banks has also been pretty beneficial for that.
It's crazy to think that 10 years ago, an index movement of 1.5% in either way was seen as abnormal, yet today it's seen as completely normal.

>> No.55775468 [View]
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Bro, the stock market serves to make the rich even richer. They will pump this crap. This market will not dip below MA50... you might expect a slight dip next month (based on historic predictions) but then we go ATH (4800+ S&P) by EOY

>> No.55766861 [View]
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>5.5 trillion in money market funds and growing
At what point will people rush for the exit on money market funds? When the yield starts dropping? Where can I see that without entering a position and checking the trailing 3-6 months worth of payouts?

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