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>> No.50977804 [View]
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Previous >>50954489

As a wise anon summarised:
>#1 searched coin on Kucoin last month
>usually in the top 10 on CMC, on almost 1 million watchlists
>has its own blockchain, fast transfers, cheap fees, huge utility potential
>Luna dying removed trust in crypto, big players want it restored ASAP
>CZ and Binance lost hundreds of millions, they want their money back as well
>whales, VCs, investors, hedge funds, and large entities all want to their investment to rebound
>Do Kwon realizes his ass is on the line, will probably throw a bit of his weight to help LUNC recover
>Worst Corea needs to save face, Luna dying was a national fiasco, they may help behind the curtains too
>Terra Rebels doing it for free, working around the clock, over 25 devs now, over 30 projects coming onboard
>staking and delegation going live on August 26th (or thereabouts), 1.2% burn tax going live on-chain by Sep. 12th
>Binance already confirmed they'll add the burn tax once it's on-chain... other cexes will follow shortly after them
>Binance has potentially almost 3 trillion coins... or at a very conservative estimate 1 T (genesis wallet transfer)
>USTC repeg coming after LUNC hits $1, will drive the price to Luna's old ath before and during the next bullrun
>schizo anons foaming at the mouth like the Oracles of Delphi, their astral bodies resonating in tune with LUNC's revival
>anons on biz vibing with CHIM and spouting $1 EOY prophecies with dubs, trips, quads and quints in every LUNC thread
>jews and jeets fudding like mad, entire call centers in New Delhi full of shit from the indians there working 24/7 to fud biz
>and last but not least, tons of meme magic in LUNC threads, repeated digits, interlinking, and Seth the baboona god!

Anon, how are you NOT hyped?

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