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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.30063866 [View]
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iirc, it's being sorted out atm and should be up after the 7th

>> No.29858553 [View]
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What is DXSALE anon? https://hash-dxsale.medium.com/what-is-dxsale-network-81da32bcddc6

You can already stake, launch through defi, but the most interesting thing they are doing is making projects launched through them rug-proof.

The launches will be governed by the token, and funding will be released as decided through the platform governance. This is going to allow token holders protection from rugs and stakeholders to have a say before the team gets funding or more funding.

Create token sales easily and be listed instantly on the platform. Governed through $SALE to receive continued funding or refund remaining funds back to investors based on performance. Tokens & part of revenue provided to stakers on the DxStake platform. Tools for angel investors to make correct decisions when investing in a project.

Still not in anon? Let’s run some numbers:
>SALE stakers receive 1% of all launched tokens in the form of an Airdrop.

>Let's say you stake 50k tokens and there are a total of 5m staked.

>Over the course of a year, 100 legitimate projects are launched and they each reach a marketcap of $10m.

>That's $1b total, and since they launched through DxSale, there are $10m worth of tokens that go to stakers.

>Since you've staked 50k/5m, you get 1% of this, or $100k worth of tokens. Just from staking 50k tokens (currently worth 16k usd).

>Still at a 5M mcap
>BSC Integration launched last night
>Binance/Matic Listing on the 28th
>Team always delivers on time
>Upcoming farming and NFT mechanism after Matic release
>Less then 20M mcap at $1

Important to mention $SALE has already proved itself two days ago after launching TRIO on their launch platform, raising 1000 BNB in a matter of ten seconds. This is just their first project and proves the potential infinite money from staking.

>> No.29838487 [View]
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They are going to have token DxSwap for swaps, DxFarm for farming and DxNFT for NTFs. It will be a one stop shop with the features of TrustSwap, uni crypt, token swaps, farming like sushi/bao, NFT minting. This will save projects 100s to 1000s of hours of not having to do this coding themselves and will have these features at launch through DxSale and can just focus on the products they are building. All the while stakers will collect fees for all of the DxApps.

The project is virtually fucking unknown and once people realize what they are doing and how rewarding staking will be it’s going to go there. Once projects are launching here on ETH, Matic/Polygon, BSC, etc. They will be the way to launch and people know you’re not a rug, no one is going to want to invest in things not made on DxLaunch anymore, why would they? Especially with support from all of the network builders like Polygon, BSC and Zil (with more to come) it will become the standard to port over or launch your token. When this happens stakers will get 1% of the Eth and token itself OF EVERY FUCKING NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED.

>> No.29706367 [View]
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If you have gas, might as well stake it all while the apy is high due to being new. Will double it in a couple of days + new project launch

>> No.29593972 [View]
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>Upcoming matic integration
>Rest of the roadmap in q2

Don't rope when it's a $1 faget

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