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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.30430781 [View]
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Wasting time on hating others is loosing money, my fren

>> No.28608046 [View]
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you've said in other threads that 2$ GRT wont happen
go kill yourself roleplaying larper fuck who just wants people to get weak hands

>> No.27543118 [View]
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If you had to pick one single etf to put 10k in and forget about. What would it be? Just SPY?

>> No.27464465 [View]
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poorfag swingie here

what's pumping today boys?

>> No.26281953 [View]
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whats the best bank account for crypto? looking for 0 or low fee ACH or wire transfers to get fiat onto CEXs

>> No.25999910 [View]
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>> No.25432348 [View]
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>nobody will buy eth at $600, but they'll come in droves when it's $2000

>> No.25348309 [View]
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>Literally remember being 11 years old and wanting to buy bitcoin when it was at £12/btc
>Couldn't buy any because I was 11
>Could've been a millionaire

Failure thread, /biz/?

>> No.24662659 [View]
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>> No.24455838 [View]
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I feel it

>> No.24444367 [View]
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Just sold a small stack so the markets should begin to recover and pump through ATH soon. I wanted all you guys to make it even if it meant sacrificing my gains. This should be the new bottom now.

>> No.24343347 [View]
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Dear fren,

please enjoy life and fuck every girl/whore you can. never tell this to anyone not even your bro
do not feel insecure and have a void level of confidence. you will get internal happiness and your gf will also be happy as you are not pussy hungry. they will feel this and give you more porn. do not fall for this bear trap. fuck your gf brains out and still go fucking other girls. please frens... live your secret life to the fullest!

>> No.23998916 [View]
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Guys, it happened, I am a prophet: >>/biz/thread/S23670006

>> No.23979705 [View]
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>ParsIQ and Chainlink Live Q&A tomorrow

>> No.23905215 [View]
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>should i buy a house anons?
more than likely, yes. unless you're a multimillionaire that likes apartment life, you're honestly screwing your older self over
>part of me feels like shit paying rent so someone else can pay their mortgage
you should. and more over, the simple fact that buying a home results in owing the bank $X now, and while fiat goes down in value, you're still owing the bank that $X. a home is kind of different in the sense you dont have to buy gold, you don't need crpyto, or stocks, BUT YOU ALWAYS NEED HOUSING. THIS IS THE HOUSING WOODPILL.
>part of me thinks every bit of down payment and closing cost could get higher returns in crypto or other investments
that's extremely risky given above, investing is all about balance.
always have cash on hand
have a portion of your money in stocks, some in bonds, some in penny stocks (crypto)
>not sure i'll stay where i am long term, but have lots of family and friends i want to stay near
this is somewhat of a meme dilemma in that life is purely what you make it. so long as you're in a city with an international airport, you're fine. otherwise, it better be a damn good regional, and even then, that's a good sign the economics of your town aren't that good looking in the medium to long term.
>median home price near me is ~600k freedom bux
and itll be $1mm soon, unfortunately. the 2008 thing happened for a specific reason, and it's very unlikely to happen again. there are no fucking sub prime mortgage trading bubbles happening this time anon, this is purely people saying, "Fuck you, I want to live in a 3000 sqft house. Give it to me."
>single and make 90k/yr
you're in a tough spot for this. look in to FHA down payment options or potentially buying a townhome/condo first. it's not ideal, but it's significantly smarter than sitting on your fucking thumbs posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum

talk to a bank, talk to a real estate agent FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD AND WHAT YOU CAN BE HAPPY WITH

>> No.23888369 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>23888888 I beckon you, what is your wisdom?

>> No.23867837 [View]
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In a few days I'll discover if have psychic powers:


>> No.23744441 [View]
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Poster >>23744444 , I beckon you, what is your wisdom?

>> No.23712241 [View]
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amen bruther

>> No.23670006 [View]
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I just had a vision. BTC will be at 17K on November 17th.

>> No.23346830 [View]
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enter zen from here

>> No.23280792 [View]
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Why are green energy? Why was defi? Cause people wanna make money

>> No.23147750 [View]
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>100% eth

>> No.23135084 [View]
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>100% eth

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