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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58710593 [View]
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I bought a fixer-upper in the best neighborhood I could. Financially sure, it's been extremely beneficial, in the purely mathematical sense. Too bad that life is about a lot more than numbers.

>big/specific enough I can't really do most of them myself?
This is the real problem. I thought I could do a lot more by myself before buying than I actually ended up being capable of

to begin with, even if you can do it yourself, there's zero guarantee you're even going to do a remotely passable (let alone good) job, and if you're a perfectionist every little screw up you can't fix is going to end up bothering you so long as you see your own handiwork

add on to that, if you already have a full-time job, having to work on the home you live in can quickly become grueling, and you have a point at which the floor just kind of falls out on your endurance and capacity to do the work; the shit I accepted that I would need to do when I closed on the house at 28 years old was night and day to what I can bring myself to do at 32.

suddenly the simple 40 square foot entryway tile job you thought you could handle yourself will take you two months that you have to stare at a miniature construction site every time you come home from another shit day at work where you could have just paid someone to slap it together in a day at the same standard or better

with all that considered the amount of jobs you can DIY quickly starts to dwindle to minor paint jobs and simply cleaning the place

>> No.56937228 [View]
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eat and pass out
all I can muster any more

I do design work

I'm at one decade and that's all I've got in me
I'd rather pour lattes for a living at this point

>> No.56244685 [View]
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I have $3140 in any given month with which I have to service an $1145 home payment, $300 in utilities, and $150 in insurance and gasoline

it's really hard to get ahead, and I think this is by design

>> No.56070254 [View]
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This is typically how my dates go too
fortunately I only ever take them to coffee so I'm not out the price of an entire dinner

>> No.56004979 [View]
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I am 30 and am in my ninth year of working full time out of school at the same job. I literally cannot stand one single more day. This is an unacceptable life. I do not give a huckleberry fuck how many billions of African or Asian bugs lead a shittier life than me. Fuck them and fuck you.

>> No.55756679 [View]
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I am in year 9 of my electrical engineering career and I only make $93k

I cannot find a job that pays more, they all pay shit

>> No.55629395 [View]
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Time to sell

>> No.55551238 [View]
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I sold my 20's to corporate America for peanuts and if I don't attain financial independence, all I'll have to show for it is a bunch of scrubs telling me how good I have it because I'm not a staving third worlder that shits in the street for a living.

>> No.54845901 [View]
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thank you.... pivot daddy

>> No.54675018 [View]
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I've been browsing this board since 2015 and never once bought a cryptocurrency or even a single share of stock.

>> No.53104917 [View]
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no one is coming for my sub six figure electrical engineer job

>> No.53095116 [View]
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$703,740 start of '21
$662,133 start of '22
30 years old, I would gladly become bankrupt if only to see the people I despise miserable and ruined

>> No.53003967 [View]
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Nah but I'm about to be
nearly a decade in I get the up or out conversation and decide to not just quiet quit but straight up sit around with my thumb up my ass and they know it

I resent not just my job but my profession and the education it took, I'm absolutely fucking done and can't talk to anyone about it but anons because this attitude straight up befuddles the golem

>> No.52734283 [View]
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I do design work, in the US, electromechanical
$90k salary

there's also nothing particularly great about doing design work, pretty funny when I see engineers thinking it's somehow the holy grail of having to do a little song and dance for your corporate overlords to write you a check

>> No.51380439 [View]
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I turn 30 in a month

from 22 to 30 I have spent the lion's share of Mondays through Fridays, for the lion's share of daylight hours, sitting in an office selling my time and energy to a global corporation

I do not want to sell my 30's like I did my 20's OP
I cannot do it

>> No.49694399 [View]
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I can't believe I spent even one iota my 20's trying to "be social" and "develop friendships" with people, trying to "put myself out there"
no one had the balls to tell me that I don't have the luxury of being a sociable person that people like, not even my idiot parents

If you're not using somebody, they're using you. That's all there is to it.

>> No.49652292 [View]
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I've been working at the same place the entire time after graduating college and I'm turning 30 this year
I'm at the end of my rope anyway, I can't stand it anymore

>> No.2553592 [View]
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>> No.2030017 [View]
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literally absolutely NOTHING
24 - net worth approaching $200k

>> No.1022654 [View]
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any openings for hardware men?

>> No.778749 [View]
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no actually

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