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>> No.53262031 [View]
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literally every data point suggested this was the bottom.
The only reason not to buy was because of morons who think there might be a next great depression/recession... as if those in power would ever let that happen again. The fed will just give the zombie banks unlimited money if they are ever in trouble again.
Inflation might never go away but everything will moon. being in cash right now are the biggest retards.

>> No.53216077 [View]
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>Here comes 10k...

>> No.52940059 [View]
File: 29 KB, 512x346, 23958736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or call it a Holocaust if you want, since they aligning with lying Jews and media trying to FUD Binance in hopes of making money. Very Jewish behavior. You'll learn the hard way why you should never trust them.

>> No.52927741 [DELETED]  [View]
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damn you Bobos are desperate haha. Keep the desperate posting up, maybe we'll start to believe you again.

>> No.52895170 [View]
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The Jews are creating an all out FUD storm against Binance, CZ and Bitcoin because they're butthurt that their golden scam boy and crypto infiltrator got sent to Fox Hill Prison in the Bahamas. DO NOT HELP THEM! This is when all crypto traders, Bull and Bear must come together and show these kikes they don't control us. Buy Bitcoin.

>> No.52570250 [View]
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>Bitfinex insider he-
What's your liquidation price Bobo? Must be near with this LARP.

>> No.51707298 [View]
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Bears get put out to pasture bobo

>> No.51682663 [View]
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it's going to keep going do-ACK

>> No.51670076 [View]
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>> No.51668089 [View]
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We're at fear, too man-ACK

>> No.51660292 [View]
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pigs get put out to slaughter

>> No.51652720 [View]
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>he had an entire year of shorting and gains but it wasn't enough
>he shorted the bottom like a greedy pig
>pigs get slaughtered

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