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>> No.23338151 [View]
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>> No.22925029 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, 1548B6A8-06BE-4F42-B5E1-C3EAB7BCE99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no election
>leap year
>20M market cap
>hedgefund invests 20M
>grow your food
>god loves you
>i thank god every day
>pee pee
>poo poo
>eric holder lied
>paul walker died
>fast and furious

>> No.18588413 [View]
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>> No.18548792 [View]
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........I know.........

>> No.18537741 [View]
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I’m a latefag all time high buyer
I transformed $15K in $60K with chainlink.
What do I buy to make a million in ten years?
I’m about to eth link xtz bsv..
Any other shill please?
Shoudl I unironically buy PNK and UBT?

>> No.18422972 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, 42 (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each circle adds up to 280

280 x 13 = 3640

The total sum of all those numbers = 3640.

Take all those points where the Star intersect not as (5 + 5) but as ‘5’ I get:

3640 – 40

= 3600

This design is “PERFECT”

Remember Metatron’s Cube is a Fractal

Fractal = A curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.

To me the answer is as clear as day. The universe recycles after every 60 units of time and manifests in 360 degrees. This is how the Universe exists for all eternity. Metatron’s Cube is a Fractal of the “WHOLE”.

You people need to Google the numbers “108” and “216” and their religious significance.

Why was it believed that the Secrets of the Universe were Hidden inside Metatron’s Cube and Sacred Geometry?

We didn’t know that the end numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence recycle after every 60 digits into infinity until we had computers.

I cannot begin to explain the sheer “INTELLIGENCE’ involved here, this is undoubtedly a big step toward proving once and for all that the universe is not a random singularity event but it is an Intelligent Creation and recycles for all eternity

>> No.17166563 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, hermitage-museum--the-loggia-of-raphael--moses-and-the-burning-bush--538145450-5c3986dec9e77c000167245d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was raised atheist but have been finding my way back over the last four years
>hint: God is really happy about that, you'd be surprised at how much he pays attention

>> No.16792721 [View]
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>> No.16406622 [View]
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>> No.16050117 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, moses takes the 42 pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15850695 [View]
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>> No.15657334 [View]
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Moses took the 42-pill
admittedly it wasn't an easy pill to swallow...

>> No.15131116 [View]
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>nobody understands what they talking about
you don't have to tell me twice or thrice
God forbid even once

>> No.14918909 [View]
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it means he's got some serious reflection to do

>> No.14907195 [View]
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>mfw I know because God showed me...

>> No.14891360 [View]
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>just some schizo seeing things that aren't there
oh it's definitely there

>the cowardly (((intellectuals))) of our time are too busy reading books to see the burning bush and pyramid right in front of their very eyes
>mfw I see it Father

>> No.14882618 [View]
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>mfw I went through the 9th gate and saw for myself

>> No.14865128 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, moses takes the 42 pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moses at the Burning Bush
>…13Then Moses asked God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should I tell them?” 14God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” 15God also told Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.…
>pic related
how can Saturn be "satan" when God is the creator
it's an easily resolved conundrum
the evil in this universe emanates from me, it is my duty to always recognize that I'm capable of doing evil things due to the weakness of my flesh and mind, and yet still to strive towards God's perfection and redeeming and merciful grace

if there's only one thing I learned and one thing I could impart on everyone reading this:
God loves you, he loves us all, hence why we're here in the first place

>> No.14821209 [View]
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>how many more laps around the desert does Moses need to keep taking us until we finally get it through our thick heads?
it seems to be, as many laps as it takes

>> No.14407328 [View]
File: 71 KB, 768x512, moses burning bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you know...you fucking know lol
>mfw I took the 42-pill
no one warned me about what I would find at the bottom of the rabbit hole

>> No.14406245 [View]
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And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
Such a profound statement, and thousands of years before DeCartes too hahah:

>I think, therefore I am

>I AM!

DeCartes BTFO, silly boy, you should have read your bible and you would have realized haha

>> No.14383945 [View]
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>lmao yeah okay I'm done with civility, you argue like a fucking kike when people don't gobble up your hubris, it's not semantics.
lol there it is
all it took was some words and some pictures for you to drop (((((civiity))))))
what happened to your bible quotes?

>You sound upset.
see above...
and below...

>> No.14363040 [View]
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>Hey, I'm that autist that talked with you about sacred geometry earlier and basically only understand that and the tech
check out the riddle that was posted last week
this thread is a follow up by the same OP
it appears that it's a message from the future (but actually)
either that or someone high up is winking at us and saying we are on the correct path
regardless, the implications are severe and astounding

>> No.14338905 [View]
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>Could it be that somebody else is
>Looking into my mind
>I breakdown in the middle and lose my thread
>No one can understand a word that I say
>When I breakdown just a little and lose my head
>Nothing I try to do can work the same way

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