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>> No.50933103 [View]
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>dude it's not fair that people are gouging the price of scarce products because everything should be free and infinite during a crisis
you argue like some typical far right 80iq loser. the far right doesnt need you you only paint us in a bad picture.

food is anything but scarce you idiot. same goes for gasoline. or housing, we have lots of land but its forbidden to build on it. we have the technology to build cheap homes fast yet construction work is kiked to no end.
also used cars as scarce products?? you are a fucking halfwit dude.

If you knew anything about the world you would know food and other products are thrown away just to keep prices artifically high. Ive seen it with my eyes. Funiture, food, plants, toys. Doesnt matter it will go into a dumpster or a grinder so no one can use it.

Uncontrolled capitalism is madness. You eat microplastics because its cheaper that way, fucking goy.

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