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>> No.18405724 [View]
File: 64 KB, 1473x784, silver wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF happened with silver yesterday?
Prices were locked as it it was during the weekend. Only moves were minutes before midnight where it bumped by 20c for 4 hours, then totally flat line for the whole day but at 4:30 PM CEST, where it spiked for few minutes, exactly when the London LMBA price fixing is supposed to occur. Same exact pattern happened with gold at the same exact moments.

What tf is this shady kikery? Is paper silver/gold manipulation starting to bug? Was it locked because some big investors reclaimed physical and JPMorgan/ScotiaM/GS decided to shut it down? Is COMEX ded?
Was it simply some trader holidays and i'm overdosing on hopium?

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