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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.30124973 [View]
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>open /biz/ on any given day
>25% of the catalog is cancerous bear memes

>> No.23575481 [View]
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When is the pandemic meme going to end

>> No.15697472 [View]
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>dude just +50% in 1 month lmao

Do you see any FOMO around? There's literally been nothing but FUD the past few months because most of the world is already in a recession. The only reason America isn't in a recession yet is because the Fed has been injecting billions into the market to keep it afloat.

>> No.13594750 [View]
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>All I had to do was get a crystal ball and be able to see the future

>> No.10302486 [View]
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These fucking globalist puppets need to be strung up on a lamppost.

>> No.8321836 [View]
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You stupid cunt this is a bulltrap we are going to 1k now shut up and suck my cock

>> No.7864614 [View]
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He can talk in ebonics for all I fucking care. Fact is his TA has been dead on for this past month.

>> No.7838441 [View]
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>BTC down 5%

the state of you

>> No.7695608 [View]
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>i'll leave this time, h-honestly guys

embarrassing. fuck off faggot

>> No.7656615 [View]
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Put your tripcode back on Omega, you're not fooling anybody.

>> No.7362830 [View]
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You wouldn't do shit you cuck

>> No.7271950 [View]
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go to bitmex or whaleclub
make an account
start shorting

seriously if you're so fucking retarded that you can't do your own research and instead rely on 4chan with your financial future then you deserve to stay poor

>> No.7208160 [View]
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fake news

>> No.7206199 [View]
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I don't see $7999 anywhere. It's 8335 on bitstamp and gdax. Still at 8500 on bitfinex, bittrex and kucoin. 8600 on binance.

>> No.7126344 [View]
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Yes I watched it. It only further confirms what we've known all along. The United States is nothing more than a puppet state for Israel.

>> No.4938072 [View]
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nah. larpers and faggots like OP never put their money where there mouth is.

>> No.4917988 [View]
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fuck you nigger it takes 5 seconds to screenshot

Just buy the 3k subscription fee if you care that much about PB that much. You'll know you've got the real thing instead of scams pushed by bagholders and trolls.

>> No.4761968 [View]
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"Can't cash out" is nocoiner fud, OP. I cashed out $270 two nights ago.

>> No.4721738 [View]
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I dont get it how is this bad?

The purpose of the tethers is to get out of the crypto market without getting out of whatever exchange you're using. That is very useful for anyone with brains who can predict a crash. Not to mention the fact that it takes fucking hours to make a bitcoin transaction, making tether even more attractive. I don't see anything wrong here.

>> No.4644562 [View]
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Been staying up to waiting for BTC correction but I don't think it's gonna happen tonight. I'm tired as hell and not going to miss out on sleep anymore. Just gonna hold Bitcoin and hope for the best. If you see a lazy town girl pink wojack tomorrow morning that is me. Goodnight /biz/

>> No.4483555 [View]
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>> No.4422058 [View]
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Yeah but it isnt going to happen. Look at the markets trading BCH at coinmarketcap. 40% of BCH volume is on Bithumb, like the last time BCH reached half a Bitcoin. This is another PnD by the chinks.

>> No.4389788 [View]
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>if an exchange that holds nearly half of a coin's volume crashes in the middle of a pump so massive that it surpasses bitcoin in volume THEN a coin is killed for the foreseeable future

I'm wrong?

>> No.4279998 [View]
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> falling back on only an emotional argument

emotions are what drives market speculation though. if only the most logical argument won, bitcoin would have been overtaken years ago.

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